Might Be The End

Well I guess you knew the dream was bursting at the seams
And it seems like a nightmare tonight
And that's nothing new
It's like a tip toe through the war zone
Just to let you know that everything is all right
Between me and you

We're fools who get stuck needing more
So let's try not to care anymore

Sometimes I hold out
When I should give in
Seems like it's over and over again
This might be the end
When you're just well intentioned it's my reward
We're tiptoeing closer and closer towards
What might be the end
Yeah, it might be the end

So there's gotta be something I can say to
Make the telephone just ring away tonight
Because there's nothing on
And even if it rang I bet it
Would probably make me regret it
'Cause in hindsight I've never been wrong

We're fools who get stuck needing more
So let's try not to even the score

Sometimes I hold out
When I should give in
Seems like it's over and over again
This might be the end
When you're just well intentioned it's my reward
We're tiptoeing closer and closer towards
What might be the end
Yeah, it might be the end

Sometimes I hold out
When I should give in
Seems like it's over and over again
This might be the end
When you're just well intentioned it's my reward
We're tiptoeing closer and closer towards
What might be the end
It might be the end

Mirror lyrics:

It might be the end
What might be the end
We're tiptoeing closer and closer towards
When you're just well intentioned it's my reward
This might be the end
Seems like it's over and over again
When I should give in
Sometimes I hold out

Yeah, it might be the end
What might be the end
We're tiptoeing closer and closer towards
When you're just well intentioned it's my reward
This might be the end
Seems like it's over and over again
When I should give in
Sometimes I hold out

So let's try not to even the score
We're fools who get stuck needing more

'Cause in hindsight I've never been wrong
Would probably make me regret it
And even if it rang I bet it
Because there's nothing on
Make the telephone just ring away tonight
So there's gotta be something I can say to

Yeah, it might be the end
What might be the end
We're tiptoeing closer and closer towards
When you're just well intentioned it's my reward
This might be the end
Seems like it's over and over again
When I should give in
Sometimes I hold out

So let's try not to care anymore
We're fools who get stuck needing more

Between me and you
Just to let you know that everything is all right
It's like a tip toe through the war zone
And that's nothing new
And it seems like a nightmare tonight
Well I guess you knew the dream was bursting at the seams

Relevant Tags:
MMight BBe TThe EEnd ight e he nd iMght eB hTe nEd jight ve fhe snd jMight vBe fThe sEnd Mjight Bve Tfhe Esnd kight ge 5he 3nd
kMight gBe 5The 3End Mkight Bge T5he E3nd night ne hhe fnd nMight nBe hThe fEnd Mnight Bne Thhe Efnd Miight he yhe rnd Mght hBe yThe rEnd
Mgiht Bhe Tyhe Ernd Mjght Bee 6he 4nd B 6The 4End Mijght Be T6he E4nd M9ght Bs ghe dnd M9ight Bse gThe dEnd Mi9ght Bes Tghe Ednd
Mlght B3 rhe wnd Mlight B3e rThe wEnd Milght Be3 Trhe Ewnd Moght Bf Ennd Moight Bfe Te Ed Mioght Bef Teh Edn Mkght Br Tje Emd
Bre Tjhe Emnd Mikght Ber Thje Enmd M8ght B4 Tue Ehd M8ight B4e Tuhe Ehnd Mi8ght Be4 Thue Enhd Mught Bd Tne Ejd Muight Bde Tnhe Ejnd
Miught Bed Thne Enjd Migght Bw Tbe Ebd Miht Bwe Tbhe Ebnd Mihgt Bew Thbe Enbd Mihht Tge Endd Mihght En Mighht Thge End
Miyht Tye Enx Miyght Enxd Migyht Thye Endx Mibht Thee Ene Mibght Th Ened

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