Thompson Twins, The
If You Were Here

if you were here
i could deceive you
and if you were here
you would believe
but would you suspect
my emotion wandering, yeah
do not want a part of this anymore

The rain water drips
through a crack in the ceiling
and i'll have to spend
my time on repair
But just like the rain
i'll be always falling, yeah
only to rise and fall again

if you were here
i could deceive you
and if you were here
you would believe
but would you suspect
my emotion wandering, yeah
do not want a part of this anymore...

Mirror lyrics:

do not want a part of this anymore...
my emotion wandering, yeah
but would you suspect
you would believe
and if you were here
i could deceive you
if you were here

only to rise and fall again
i'll be always falling, yeah
But just like the rain
my time on repair
and i'll have to spend
through a crack in the ceiling
The rain water drips

do not want a part of this anymore
my emotion wandering, yeah
but would you suspect
you would believe
and if you were here
i could deceive you
if you were here

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou WWere HHere f ou ere ere fI oYu eWre eHre jf gou aere jere jIf gYou aWere jHere Ijf Ygou Waere Hjere 9f hou 3ere uere
9If hYou 3Were uHere I9f Yhou W3ere Huere lf 6ou dere nere lIf 6You dWere nHere Ilf Y6ou Wdere Hnere of uou eere bere oIf uYou eWere bHere
Iof Yuou Weere Hbere kf 7ou sere gere kIf 7You sWere gHere Ikf Y7ou Wsere Hgere 8f jou 2ere yere 8If jYou 2Were yHere I8f Yjou W2ere Hyere
uf tou qere Heere uIf tYou qWere Hre Iuf Ytou Wqere Hree Iff Yoou Hsre I Yu Wre Hsere If Yuo Wree Hesre Ic Yku Wsre H3re
Icf Ykou H3ere Ifc Yoku Wesre He3re Ir Y9u W3re Hfre Irf Y9ou Hfere Ifr Yo9u We3re Hefre Ig Y0u Wfre Hrre Igf Y0ou Wfere Hrere
Ifg Yo0u Wefre Herre It Ylu Wrre H4re Itf Ylou Wrere H4ere Ift Yolu Werre He4re Iv Yiu W4re Hdre Ivf Yiou W4ere Hdere Ifv Yoiu We4re Hedre

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