Three Degrees, The
Don't (leave Me Lover)

Don't leave me, lover
'Cause I would cry if you said goodbye
Oh, oh, ohh
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't leave me, lover
Can't you see you're part of me? Oh, oh, ohh

Each night, I hunger for your touch, oh
I wonder why it means so much
I hope and pray you'll hear my plea
For your love is so dear to me
And that's why
That's why I think I'll die, oh, ohh, ohhh

Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't leave me, never
Without you, what will I do? Oh, oh, ohh


Although you, you think you'd rid of me
But my love won't cease to be
Leave if you want, but you must stay
For my love plus day by day
And that's all
That's all, all I can say, oh, ohh, ohhh

Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't leave me, lover

Mirror lyrics:

Don't leave me, lover
Don't, don't, don't, don't

That's all, all I can say, oh, ohh, ohhh
And that's all
For my love plus day by day
Leave if you want, but you must stay
But my love won't cease to be
Although you, you think you'd rid of me


Without you, what will I do? Oh, oh, ohh
Don't leave me, never
Don't, don't, don't, don't

That's why I think I'll die, oh, ohh, ohhh
And that's why
For your love is so dear to me
I hope and pray you'll hear my plea
I wonder why it means so much
Each night, I hunger for your touch, oh

Can't you see you're part of me? Oh, oh, ohh
Don't leave me, lover
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Oh, oh, ohh
'Cause I would cry if you said goodbye
Don't leave me, lover

Relevant Tags:
DDon't ((leave MMe LLover) on't leave e over) oDn't l(eave eM oLver) xon't (lleave je kover) xDon't (eave jMe kLover) Dxon't (elave Mje Lkover)
eon't (keave ke oover) eDon't (kleave kMe oLover) Deon't (lkeave Mke Loover) fon't (oeave ne pover) fDon't (oleave nMe pLover) Dfon't (loeave Mne Lpover)
ron't (peave Mee rDon't (pleave M Lver) Dron't (lpeave Me Lvoer) con't (leeave Ms Lkver) cDon't (lave Mse Dcon't (laeve Mes Lokver)
son't (lsave M3 L9ver) sDon't (lseave M3e L9over) Dson't (lesave Me3 Lo9ver) Doon't (l3ave Mf L0ver) Dn't (l3eave Mfe L0over) Dno't (le3ave Mef Lo0ver)
Dkn't (lfave Mr Llver) Dkon't (lfeave Mre Llover) Dokn't (lefave Mer Lolver) D9n't (lrave M4 Liver) D9on't (lreave M4e Liover) Do9n't (lerave Me4 Loiver)
D0n't (l4ave Md Lovver) D0on't (l4eave Mde Loer) Do0n't (le4ave Med Loevr) Dln't (ldave Mw Lober) Dlon't (ldeave Mwe Lobver) Doln't (ledave Mew Lovber)
Din't (lwave Locer) Dion't (lweave Locver) Doin't (lewave Lovcer) Donn't (leaave Loger) Do't (leve Logver) Do'nt (levae Lovger)
Dom't (lezve Lofer) Domn't (lezave Lofver) Donm't (leazve Lovfer) Doh't (leqve Loveer) Dohn't (leqave Lovr)

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