Three Days Grace
No More

Give me a reason to stay here
'Cause I don't wanna live in fear

I can't stop the rain
But I can stop the tears
Oh, I can fight the fire
But I can't fight the fear

No more
I just can't live in fear
No more
I can't take it
Can't it no more
What do we stand for
When we all live in fear?

Give me a reason to believe
'Cause you don't wanna see me leave

I can't stop the rain
But I can stop the tears
Oh, I can fight the fire
But I can't fight the fear

No more
I just can't live in fear
No more
I can't take it
Can't it no more
What do we stand for
When we all live in fear?

No more
I just can't live in fear
No more
I can't take it
Can't it no more
What do we stand for
When we all live in fear?

Mirror lyrics:

When we all live in fear?
What do we stand for
Can't it no more
I can't take it
No more
I just can't live in fear
No more

When we all live in fear?
What do we stand for
Can't it no more
I can't take it
No more
I just can't live in fear
No more

But I can't fight the fear
Oh, I can fight the fire
But I can stop the tears
I can't stop the rain

'Cause you don't wanna see me leave
Give me a reason to believe

When we all live in fear?
What do we stand for
Can't it no more
I can't take it
No more
I just can't live in fear
No more

But I can't fight the fear
Oh, I can fight the fire
But I can stop the tears
I can't stop the rain

'Cause I don't wanna live in fear
Give me a reason to stay here

Relevant Tags:
NNo MMore o ore oN oMre mo jore mNo jMore Nmo Mjore ho kore hNo kMore Nho Mkore jo nore jNo nMore
Njo Mnore bo Moore bNo Mre Nbo Mroe Noo Mkre N No Mokre Nk M9re Nko M9ore Nok Mo9re N9 M0re
N9o M0ore No9 Mo0re N0 Mlre N0o Mlore No0 Molre Nl Mire Nlo Miore Nol Moire Ni Morre Nio Moe Noi Moer
Mode Modre Morde

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