They Might Be Giants

No is no
No is always no
If they say no, it means a thousand times no

No plus no equals no
All nos lead to no no no

Finger pointing, eyebrows low
Mouth in the shape of the letter O

Pardon me -- No!
Excuse me -- No!
May I stay?
Can I go?
No, no, no

Do this -- No!
Don't do that -- No!
Sit, stay, roll over
No, no, no

Finger pointing, eyebrows low
Mouth in the shape of the letter O
Red means stop. Do not go.
No, no, no

Mirror lyrics:

No, no, no
Red means stop. Do not go.
Mouth in the shape of the letter O
Finger pointing, eyebrows low

No, no, no
Sit, stay, roll over
Don't do that -- No!
Do this -- No!

No, no, no
Can I go?
May I stay?
Excuse me -- No!
Pardon me -- No!

Mouth in the shape of the letter O
Finger pointing, eyebrows low

All nos lead to no no no
No plus no equals no

If they say no, it means a thousand times no
No is always no
No is no

Relevant Tags:
NNo! o! oN! mo! mNo! Nmo! ho! hNo! Nho! jo! jNo!
Njo! bo! bNo! Nbo! Noo! N! N!o

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