They Might Be Giants
Monsters Of Mud

Monsters of mud, covered in mud (made of mud)
Monsters of mud (made of mud)
Monsters of mud, covered in mud (repeat six times)
Made of mud, they're made of mud (repeat six times)

Look at that mudman
It's disgraceful
Check out the dirt pile
He's got a face full

It's unbelievable, they're walking through the streets of town
They act like people, but they're shapeless, grimy, grey and brown

(Made of mud, they're made of mud) (2x)

It used to be that everyone you'd see was so well scrubbed
Everything's different now, ever since the monsters of mud

Monsters of mud, covered in mud (3x)
Made of mud (3x), they're made of mud
Made of mud, they're made of mud

Look out there's one right there
It freaks me out, It's covered in crud
All of our values have been challenged
by the monsters of mud

Here they slime
There they slouch
On your carpet
On my couch

Mud monsters everywhere
You can't escape the slobbering flood
We couldn't stop them
So we all became the monsters of mud

It's unbelievable, we're walking through the streets of town
We act like people, but we're shapeless, grimy, grey and brown

(Made of mud, they're made of mud)(2x)

It used to be that everyone you'd see was so well scrubbed
Everything's different now, ever since the monsters of mud

Mirror lyrics:

Everything's different now, ever since the monsters of mud
It used to be that everyone you'd see was so well scrubbed

(Made of mud, they're made of mud)(2x)

We act like people, but we're shapeless, grimy, grey and brown
It's unbelievable, we're walking through the streets of town

So we all became the monsters of mud
We couldn't stop them
You can't escape the slobbering flood
Mud monsters everywhere

On my couch
On your carpet
There they slouch
Here they slime

by the monsters of mud
All of our values have been challenged
It freaks me out, It's covered in crud
Look out there's one right there

Made of mud, they're made of mud
Made of mud (3x), they're made of mud
Monsters of mud, covered in mud (3x)

Everything's different now, ever since the monsters of mud
It used to be that everyone you'd see was so well scrubbed

(Made of mud, they're made of mud) (2x)

They act like people, but they're shapeless, grimy, grey and brown
It's unbelievable, they're walking through the streets of town

He's got a face full
Check out the dirt pile
It's disgraceful
Look at that mudman

Made of mud, they're made of mud (repeat six times)
Monsters of mud, covered in mud (repeat six times)
Monsters of mud (made of mud)
Monsters of mud, covered in mud (made of mud)

Relevant Tags:
MMonsters OOf MMud onsters f ud oMnsters fO uMd jonsters kf jud jMonsters kOf jMud Mjonsters Okf Mjud konsters 9f kud
kMonsters 9Of kMud Mkonsters O9f Mkud nonsters 0f nud nMonsters 0Of nMud Mnonsters O0f Mnud Moonsters lf Muud Mnsters lOf Md
Mnosters Olf Mdu Mknsters if Mhd iOf Mhud Moknsters Oif Muhd M9nsters Off M7d M9onsters O M7ud Mo9nsters Of Mu7d
M0nsters Oc Mkd M0onsters Ocf Mo0nsters Ofc Mukd Mlnsters Or Mid Mlonsters Orf Miud Molnsters Ofr Muid Minsters Og M8d
Mionsters Ogf M8ud Moinsters Ofg Mu8d Monnsters Ot Mjd Mosters Otf Mosnters Oft Mujd Momsters Ov Myd Momnsters Ovf Myud
Monmsters Ofv Muyd Mohsters Od Mudd Mohnsters Odf Mu Monhsters Ofd Mud Mojsters Mux Mojnsters Muxd Monjsters Mudx
Mobsters Mue Mobnsters Mued Monbsters Mude Monssters Muf Monters Mufd Montsers Mudf Monzters Mur
Monzsters Murd Monszters Mudr Monwters Muc Monwsters Mucd Monswters Mudc Mondters Mus Mondsters Musd
Monsdters Muds Moneters Monesters Monseters Monxters Monxsters Monsxters
Monaters Monasters Monsaters Monstters Monsers Monsetrs Monsfers
Monsfters Monstfers Mons5ers Mons5ters Monst5ers

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