The Robot Ate Me
Goodnight I Almost Died

cloud cloud, rain rain cloud cloud,
rain rain on me sun sun, don't shine sun sun,
don't shine on me moon moon,
bring me your rays moon moon,
bring me your rays.. goodnight.
. please don't kill me in my sleep!
I SAW HOW YOU LOOKED AT ME!!! (so please don't, just.. say goodni

Mirror lyrics:

I SAW HOW YOU LOOKED AT ME!!! (so please don't, just.. say goodni
. please don't kill me in my sleep!
bring me your rays.. goodnight.
bring me your rays moon moon,
don't shine on me moon moon,
rain rain on me sun sun, don't shine sun sun,
cloud cloud, rain rain cloud cloud,

Relevant Tags:
GGoodnight II AAlmost DDied oodnight lmost ied oGodnight I lAmost iDed hoodnight j zlmost xied hGoodnight jI zAlmost xDied Ghoodnight Ij Azlmost Dxied
yoodnight 9 qlmost eied yGoodnight 9I qAlmost eDied Gyoodnight I9 Aqlmost Deied boodnight l slmost fied bGoodnight lI sAlmost fDied Gboodnight Il Aslmost Dfied
voodnight o wlmost ried vGoodnight oI wAlmost rDied Gvoodnight Io Awlmost Dried foodnight k xlmost cied fGoodnight kI xAlmost cDied Gfoodnight Ik Axlmost Dcied
toodnight 8 Allmost sied tGoodnight 8I Amost sDied Gtoodnight I8 Amlost Dsied Gooodnight u Akmost Diied Godnight uI Aklmost Ded Goodnight Iu Alkmost Deid
Gkodnight Aomost Djed Gkoodnight Aolmost Djied Gokodnight Alomost Dijed G9odnight Apmost D9ed G9oodnight Aplmost D9ied Go9odnight Alpmost Di9ed
G0odnight Almmost Dled G0oodnight Alost Dlied Go0odnight Alomst Diled Glodnight Aljost Doed Gloodnight Aljmost Doied Golodnight Almjost Dioed
Giodnight Alkost Dked Gioodnight Dkied Goiodnight Almkost Diked Alnost D8ed Alnmost D8ied Godonight Almnost Di8ed
Gokdnight Almoost Dued Almst Duied Gookdnight Almsot Diued Go9dnight Almkst Dieed Did Goo9dnight Almokst Dide
Go0dnight Alm9st Disd Alm9ost Dised Goo0dnight Almo9st Diesd Goldnight Alm0st Di3d Alm0ost Di3ed Gooldnight Almo0st Die3d
Goidnight Almlst Difd Almlost Difed Gooidnight Almolst Diefd Gooddnight Almist Dird Goonight Almiost Dired Goondight Almoist Dierd
Gooxnight Almosst Di4d Gooxdnight Almot Di4ed Goodxnight Almots Die4d Gooenight Almozt Didd Gooednight Almozst Dided Goodenight Almoszt Diedd
Goofnight Almowt Diwd Goofdnight Almowst Diwed Goodfnight Almoswt Diewd Goornight Almodt Goordnight Almodst Die Goodrnight Almosdt Died
Goocnight Almoet Diex Goocdnight Almoest Diexd Goodcnight Almoset Diedx Goosnight Almoxt Diee Goosdnight Almoxst Goodsnight Almosxt Diede
Goodnnight Almoat Dief Goodight Almoast Goodinght Almosat Diedf Goodmight Almostt Dier Goodmnight Almos Goodnmight Almost Diedr

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