The Purrs
Connect The Dots

She comes apart all the time

So don't be late for the show

She's begging you for a dime

She's feeling so low, man

She's really let herself go

Can you remind me again

How are you and I friends?

I can hardly hear what you say

You're fading away

And you're sleeping all day

And you've got a little stain

Right there on your cheek

She's got a sad, sad face

Before the show began for a lucky man

And out in the rows

Can you connect the dots in a parking lot?

Connect the dots, yeah, yeah, yeah

She's making love when she wants

And she's drinking a lot

It's her happy go lucky charm

'Cause that's all she's got

It's her place at the bar

Can you remind me again

How are you and I friends?

I can hardly hear what you say

You're fading away

And you're sleeping all day

And you got a little stain

Right there on your cheek

I wanted to celebrate

But now it's gone, yes, the moment's gone

And out in the rows

Can you connect the dots in the parking lot?

And she's got a sad sad face

Before the show began for a lucky man

And out in the rows

Can you connect the dots in a parking lot?

Can you connect the dots in a parking lot?

Mirror lyrics:

Can you connect the dots in a parking lot?

Can you connect the dots in a parking lot?

And out in the rows

Before the show began for a lucky man

And she's got a sad sad face

Can you connect the dots in the parking lot?

And out in the rows

But now it's gone, yes, the moment's gone

I wanted to celebrate

Right there on your cheek

And you got a little stain

And you're sleeping all day

You're fading away

I can hardly hear what you say

How are you and I friends?

Can you remind me again

It's her place at the bar

'Cause that's all she's got

It's her happy go lucky charm

And she's drinking a lot

She's making love when she wants

Connect the dots, yeah, yeah, yeah

Can you connect the dots in a parking lot?

And out in the rows

Before the show began for a lucky man

She's got a sad, sad face

Right there on your cheek

And you've got a little stain

And you're sleeping all day

You're fading away

I can hardly hear what you say

How are you and I friends?

Can you remind me again

She's really let herself go

She's feeling so low, man

She's begging you for a dime

So don't be late for the show

She comes apart all the time

Relevant Tags:
CConnect TThe DDots onnect he ots oCnnect hTe oDts fonnect fhe xots fConnect fThe xDots Cfonnect Tfhe Dxots xonnect 5he eots
xConnect 5The eDots Cxonnect T5he Deots vonnect hhe fots vConnect hThe fDots Cvonnect Thhe Dfots donnect yhe rots dConnect yThe rDots
Cdonnect Tyhe Drots Coonnect 6he cots Cnnect 6The cDots Cnonect T6he Dcots Cknnect ghe sots Ckonnect gThe sDots Coknnect Tghe Dsots
C9nnect rhe Doots C9onnect rThe Dts Co9nnect Trhe Dtos C0nnect Dkts C0onnect Te Dkots Co0nnect Teh Dokts Clnnect Tje D9ts
Clonnect Tjhe D9ots Colnnect Thje Do9ts Cinnect Tue D0ts Cionnect Tuhe D0ots Coinnect Thue Do0ts Connnect Tne Dlts Conect Tnhe Dlots
Connect Thne Dolts Comnect Tbe Dits Comnnect Tbhe Diots Conmnect Thbe Doits Cohnect Tge Dotts Cohnnect Dos Conhnect Thge Dost
Cojnect Tye Dofs Cojnnect Dofts Conjnect Thye Dotfs Cobnect Thee Do5s Cobnnect Th Do5ts Conbnect The Dot5s Ths Dohs
Thse Dohts Conenct Thes Doths Conmect Th3 Doys Th3e Doyts Connmect The3 Dotys Conhect Thf Do6s Thfe Do6ts
Connhect Thef Dot6s Conject Thr Dogs

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