The King And I
My Lord And Master


(Spoken) The King is pleased!
He is pleased with me!
My Lord and Master
Declares he's pleased with me-

What does he mean?
What does he know of me
This lord and master?
When he has looked at me what has he seen?
Something young
Soft and slim,
Painted cheek,
Tap'ring limb,
Smiling lips
All for him,
Eyes that shine
Just for him-
So he thinks...

Just for him!
Though the man may be
My Lord and Master,
Though he may study me
As hard as he can,
The smile beneath my smile
He'll never see
He'll never know I love another man
He'll never know, I love another man

Mirror lyrics:

He'll never know, I love another man
He'll never know I love another man
He'll never see
The smile beneath my smile
As hard as he can,
Though he may study me
My Lord and Master,
Though the man may be
Just for him!

So he thinks...
Just for him-
Eyes that shine
All for him,
Smiling lips
Tap'ring limb,
Painted cheek,
Soft and slim,
Something young
When he has looked at me what has he seen?
This lord and master?
What does he know of me
What does he mean?

Declares he's pleased with me-
My Lord and Master
He is pleased with me!
(Spoken) The King is pleased!


Relevant Tags:
MMy LLord AAnd MMaster y ord nd aster yM oLrd nAd aMster jy kord znd jaster jMy kLord zAnd jMaster Mjy Lkord Aznd Mjaster
ky oord qnd kaster kMy oLord qAnd kMaster Mky Loord Aqnd Mkaster ny pord snd naster nMy pLord sAnd nMaster Mny Lpord Asnd Mnaster
Myy wnd Maaster M Lrd wAnd Mster My Lrod Awnd Msater Mg Lkrd xnd Mzster Mgy xAnd Mzaster Myg Lokrd Axnd Mazster
Mh L9rd Annd Mqster Mhy L9ord Ad Mqaster Myh Lo9rd Adn Maqster M6 L0rd Amd Msster M6y L0ord Amnd Msaster My6 Lo0rd Anmd Masster
Mu Llrd Ahd Mwster Muy Llord Ahnd Mwaster Myu Lolrd Anhd Mawster M7 Lird Ajd Mxster M7y Liord Ajnd Mxaster My7 Loird Anjd Maxster
Mj Lorrd Abd Lod Abnd Mater Myj Lodr Anbd Matser Mt Lodd Andd Mazter Mty Lodrd An Myt Lordd And Maszter
Lo4d Anx Mawter Lo4rd Anxd Lor4d Andx Maswter Logd Ane Madter Logrd Aned Madster Lorgd Ande Masdter
Lotd Anf Maeter Lotrd Anfd Maester Lortd Andf Maseter Lo5d Anr Maxter Lo5rd Anrd Lor5d Andr Masxter
Lofd Anc Maater Lofrd Ancd Lorfd Andc Masater Loed Ans Mastter Loerd Ansd Maser Lored Ands Masetr
Masfer Lor Masfter

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