The Devoted Few
An Inch Ahead Of Your Time

when they start shooting will you be there

when they start marching will you clap them

it's like everything I've ever wanted, turns to rust time plays its part

your diary's a broken record

full of love, loss and pain

you write everything you've ever wanted, down before you lose again

can you hear the sounds of the suburbs maybe

we could find a place where the ocean's breaking

will you answer questions when they beat you

or will you stand and stare into space

you're an inch ahead of your time you're an accident waiting to happen

and you can't go home again, no you can't come back

ask your father for a ride before he loses

the keys to the sedan you know, lets go cruising

and ask your mother for some cash we both could use it

this could be the only day, so don't come backâ€Â¦

don't come back

Mirror lyrics:

don't come back

this could be the only day, so don't come backâ€Â¦

and ask your mother for some cash we both could use it

the keys to the sedan you know, lets go cruising

ask your father for a ride before he loses

and you can't go home again, no you can't come back

you're an inch ahead of your time you're an accident waiting to happen

or will you stand and stare into space

will you answer questions when they beat you

we could find a place where the ocean's breaking

can you hear the sounds of the suburbs maybe

you write everything you've ever wanted, down before you lose again

full of love, loss and pain

your diary's a broken record

it's like everything I've ever wanted, turns to rust time plays its part

when they start marching will you clap them

when they start shooting will you be there

Relevant Tags:
AAn IInch AAhead OOf YYour TTime n nch head f our ime nA nIch hAead fO oYur iTme zn jnch zhead kf gour fime zAn jInch zAhead kOf gYour fTime
Azn Ijnch Azhead Okf Ygour Tfime qn 9nch qhead 9f hour 5ime qAn 9Inch qAhead 9Of hYour 5Time Aqn I9nch Aqhead O9f Yhour T5ime sn lnch shead 0f 6our hime
sAn lInch sAhead 0Of 6Your hTime Asn Ilnch Ashead O0f Y6our Thime wn onch whead lf uour yime wAn oInch wAhead lOf uYour yTime Awn Ionch Awhead Olf Yuour Tyime
xn knch xhead if 7our 6ime xAn kInch xAhead iOf 7Your 6Time Axn Iknch Axhead Oif Y7our T6ime Ann 8nch Ahhead Off jour gime A 8Inch Aead O jYour gTime
An I8nch Aehad Of Yjour Tgime Am unch Ajead Oc tour rime Amn uInch Ajhead Ocf tYour rTime Anm Iunch Ahjead Ofc Ytour Trime Ah Innch Auead Or Yoour Tiime
Ahn Ich Auhead Orf Yur Tme Anh Icnh Ahuead Ofr Yuor Tmie Aj Imch Anead Og Ykur Tjme Ajn Imnch Anhead Ogf Ykour Tjime Anj Inmch Ahnead Ofg Yokur Tijme
Ab Ihch Abead Ot Y9ur T9me Abn Ihnch Abhead Otf Y9our T9ime Anb Inhch Ahbead Oft Yo9ur Ti9me Ijch Agead Ov Y0ur Tlme Aghead Ovf Y0our Tlime
Injch Ahgead Ofv Yo0ur Tilme Ibch Ayead Od Ylur Tome Ibnch Ayhead Odf Ylour Toime Inbch Ahyead Ofd Yolur Tiome Incch Aheead Yiur Tkme
Inh Ahad Yiour Tkime Inhc Ahaed Yoiur Tikme Infh Ahsad Youur T8me Infch Ahsead Yor T8ime Incfh Ahesad Yoru Ti8me
Inxh Ah3ad Yohr Tume Inxch Ah3ead Yohur Tuime Incxh Ahe3ad Youhr Tiume Invh Ahfad Yo7r Timme

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