Sarah Vaughan
Round Midnight

Supper time, I'm sad... then really gets bad
Memories always start after sundown
It begins to tell round midnite, round midnite
I do pretty well til after sundown
Supper time Im feeling sad
but it really gets bad round midnite

Memories always start round midnite, round midnite
Haven't got the heart to stand those memories
when my heart is still with you
and old midnite knows it too
When some quarrel we had needs mending
does it mean that our love is ending?

Darling I need you
Lately I find you're out of my arms
and out of my mind
Let our love take win
some midnite round midnite
Let the Angels sing for your returning
Let our love be safe and sound
When old midnite comes around

Just let our love take win
and let the Angels sing your returning
Please let our love be safe and sound
When old midnite comes around

Mirror lyrics:

When old midnite comes around
Please let our love be safe and sound
and let the Angels sing your returning
Just let our love take win

When old midnite comes around
Let our love be safe and sound
Let the Angels sing for your returning
some midnite round midnite
Let our love take win
and out of my mind
Lately I find you're out of my arms
Darling I need you

does it mean that our love is ending?
When some quarrel we had needs mending
and old midnite knows it too
when my heart is still with you
Haven't got the heart to stand those memories
Memories always start round midnite, round midnite

but it really gets bad round midnite
Supper time Im feeling sad
I do pretty well til after sundown
It begins to tell round midnite, round midnite
Memories always start after sundown
Supper time, I'm sad... then really gets bad

Relevant Tags:
RRound MMidnight ound idnight oRund iMdnight dound jidnight dRound jMidnight Rdound Mjidnight 4ound kidnight 4Round kMidnight
R4ound Mkidnight gound nidnight gRound nMidnight Rgound Mnidnight tound Miidnight tRound Mdnight Rtound Mdinight 5ound Mjdnight
5Round R5ound Mijdnight found M9dnight fRound M9idnight Rfound Mi9dnight eound Mldnight eRound Mlidnight Reound Mildnight
Roound Modnight Rund Moidnight Ruond Miodnight Rkund Mkdnight Rkound Rokund Mikdnight R9und M8dnight R9ound M8idnight
Ro9und Mi8dnight R0und Mudnight R0ound Muidnight Ro0und Miudnight Rlund Middnight Rlound Minight Rolund Mindight Riund Mixnight
Riound Mixdnight Roiund Midxnight Rouund Mienight Rond Miednight Ronud Midenight Rohnd Mifnight Rohund Mifdnight Rouhnd Midfnight
Ro7nd Mirnight Ro7und Mirdnight Rou7nd Midrnight Roknd Micnight Micdnight Rouknd Midcnight Roind Misnight Misdnight
Rouind Midsnight Ro8nd Midnnight Ro8und Midight Rou8nd Midinght Rojnd Midmight Rojund Midmnight Roujnd Midnmight Roynd Midhight
Royund Midhnight Rouynd Midnhight Rounnd Midjight Roud Midjnight Roudn Midnjight Roumd Midbight Roumnd Midbnight Rounmd Midnbight
Rouhd Midniight Midnght Rounhd Midngiht Roujd Midnjght

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