Sarah Slean
St. Francis

Just like St. Francis
The little birds come
Lonely for a little warm
You give them your music
But they just want a song
Oh, no, I'll never learn

But I'd make beautiful sounds
I'd lay you down like a lover would
My pride, still standin' straight
But looking back
I wasn't so brave
I wasn't so brave

Flying through tunnels
At the mouth of New York
Sometimes, I belong here
But it's funny how leaving
Turns the emptiness up
The hole you never heard before

Oh, I laugh in my hands
A kiss from that man
Like a melody
My pride still standing
Looking tall
But looking back
I wasn't brave at all
I wasn't brave at all
Was I?

I'd make beatiful sounds
I'd lay you down like a lover would
On the phone, I started to say
But then I stopped
I used to be brave
I used to be brave

Here's hoping next time, we'll get it right

© S. Slean

Mirror lyrics:

© S. Slean

Here's hoping next time, we'll get it right

I used to be brave
I used to be brave
But then I stopped
On the phone, I started to say
I'd lay you down like a lover would
I'd make beatiful sounds

Was I?
I wasn't brave at all
I wasn't brave at all
But looking back
Looking tall
My pride still standing
Like a melody
A kiss from that man
Oh, I laugh in my hands

The hole you never heard before
Turns the emptiness up
But it's funny how leaving
Sometimes, I belong here
At the mouth of New York
Flying through tunnels

I wasn't so brave
I wasn't so brave
But looking back
My pride, still standin' straight
I'd lay you down like a lover would
But I'd make beautiful sounds

Oh, no, I'll never learn
But they just want a song
You give them your music
Lonely for a little warm
The little birds come
Just like St. Francis

Relevant Tags:
SSt. FFrancis t. rancis tS. rFancis zt. crancis zSt. cFrancis Szt. Fcrancis wt. rrancis wSt. rFrancis Swt. Frrancis dt. grancis
dSt. gFrancis Sdt. Fgrancis et. trancis eSt. tFrancis Set. Ftrancis xt. vrancis xSt. vFrancis Sxt. Fvrancis at. drancis aSt. dFrancis
Sat. Fdrancis Stt. S. Fancis S.t Farncis Sf. Fdancis Sft. Stf. Frdancis S5. F4ancis S5t. F4rancis St5. Fr4ancis
Sh. Fgancis Sht. Sth. Frgancis Sy. Ftancis Syt. Sty. Frtancis S6. F5ancis S6t. F5rancis St6. Fr5ancis Sg. Ffancis
Sgt. Ffrancis Stg. Frfancis Sr. Feancis Srt. Ferancis Str. Freancis St.. Fraancis St Frncis St. Frnacis Frzncis Frzancis
Frazncis Frqncis Frqancis Fraqncis Frsncis Frsancis Frasncis Frwncis Frwancis Frawncis
Frxncis Frxancis Fraxncis Franncis Fracis Fracnis Framcis

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