Sarah Sadler
Best Thing

You lift me up
You take me high
You hung the stars, the moon, and my sky
I love everything about You
The way that You move, the way that You are
You'll always be the king of my heart
I love everything about You

More than words to say it
I'm not the same, everything changed
When I found You
You're the best thing
That ever happened
You're my saving grace
Because You love me
Now and forever I will sing Your praise
You're the best thing

You're so good to me
I can't count the ways
You touch my life everyday
I love everything about you
All my desired, all of my plans
I know You'll hold them safe in Your hands
I love everything about You


Every moment in Your presence
My heart and soul, my every thought
Gets saturated
Will You catch me, I am falling
More and more in love with You

Mirror lyrics:

More and more in love with You
Will You catch me, I am falling
Gets saturated
My heart and soul, my every thought
Every moment in Your presence


I love everything about You
I know You'll hold them safe in Your hands
All my desired, all of my plans
I love everything about you
You touch my life everyday
I can't count the ways
You're so good to me

You're the best thing
Now and forever I will sing Your praise
Because You love me
You're my saving grace
That ever happened
You're the best thing
When I found You
I'm not the same, everything changed
More than words to say it

I love everything about You
You'll always be the king of my heart
The way that You move, the way that You are
I love everything about You
You hung the stars, the moon, and my sky
You take me high
You lift me up

Relevant Tags:
BBest TThing est hing eBst hTing vest fhing vBest fThing Bvest Tfhing gest 5hing gBest 5Thing Bgest T5hing nest hhing nBest hThing
Bnest Thhing hest yhing hBest yThing Bhest Tyhing Beest 6hing Bst 6Thing Bset T6hing Bsst ghing Bsest gThing Besst Tghing B3st rhing
B3est rThing Be3st Trhing Bfst Bfest Ting Befst Tihng Brst Tjing Brest Tjhing Berst Thjing B4st Tuing B4est Tuhing Be4st Thuing
Bdst Tning Bdest Tnhing Bedst Thning Bwst Tbing Bwest Tbhing Bewst Thbing Tging Bet Bets Thging Bezt Tying Bezst
Beszt Thying Bewt Thiing Thng Beswt Thnig Bedt Thjng

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