Sarah Mclachlan
What Lies Beyond

All of my life I've had a longing for knowledge,
and all which lets my thoughts be free.
Duties for which I'm destined seem to haunt me,
confusing all I really want to be-

And I see you again and I know it's true,
The dreams that have left me cold and once again
Together we'll find the strength to make love real.
Because I wanted to do what I know is true,
my thoughts leave me on a lonely sea somewhere-
the waves of what lies beyond us now.

Though I see you again and I know it's true,
My dreams that have left me cold and once again
Together we'll find the strength to make love real.
Because I wanted to do what I know is true
My thoughts lead me on own, the sea one way,
The waves of what lies beyond I will follow....

Mirror lyrics:

The waves of what lies beyond I will follow....
My thoughts lead me on own, the sea one way,
Because I wanted to do what I know is true
Together we'll find the strength to make love real.
My dreams that have left me cold and once again
Though I see you again and I know it's true,

the waves of what lies beyond us now.
my thoughts leave me on a lonely sea somewhere-
Because I wanted to do what I know is true,
Together we'll find the strength to make love real.
The dreams that have left me cold and once again
And I see you again and I know it's true,

confusing all I really want to be-
Duties for which I'm destined seem to haunt me,
and all which lets my thoughts be free.
All of my life I've had a longing for knowledge,

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Wyat Li3s Begond Wyhat Li3es Begyond Whyat Lie3s Beygond Whaat Lifs Behond Wht Lifes Behyond Whta Liefs Beyhond Whzt Lirs Be6ond
Whzat Lires Be6yond Whazt Liers Bey6ond Whqt Li4s Beuond Whqat Li4es Beuyond Whaqt Lie4s Beyuond Whst Lids Be7ond Whsat Lides Be7yond
Whast Lieds Bey7ond Whwt Liws Bejond Whwat Liwes Bejyond

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