Third Eye Blind
Tattoo Of The Sun

I believe everything you say
'Cause you're not frightened
The way that I've been so
So i follow you
Just incase you lose your way
So glad you let me stay around.

The chain linked fence you climbed
To make forbidden lakes our own
Yours and mine
And with ease of the sea gulls
We cut the engines and cruise high
In the summer sky baby.

Now I could speak the everything
But there's no room for my voice
When sweet feed back is Jumping through the hoop of you ear
Ring there goes the phone
And then you're off again
On what the caller brings you.

So I trashed myself at the bar
Confused for nothing thinking you'd be there
I'm so embarrassed
'Cause it's you who comes to take care of me
Shambling home again with you leading.

And it's not the way i want to go
And i'm mad at you
and i'm mad at me
talking endlessly
not a kind word to say.

'Till your amber beads of wisdom come
And i want to write them down
Just the way you said it
So I could keep it always, always.

I can't forget the smell
of summer trees after midnight
Bending backwards to please the wind
You touch the tattoo of the sun
On a warm belly that once carried a baby for a while
Then let that crackled leather jacket round you fold
Red face saints monogrammed in gold
And in this beauty i would not go any further
'Cause i suddenly remembered
We can't live this way forever
Idle daylight, oh.
I've never caught you in a lie
not until now
i feel somehow
I've felt the passing of these days gone by
what will you do when the feeling that you have is through
i need to know 'cause i'll never stop hanging on to you
and it's times like this that i dread
when there's everything to say
and nothing left to be said
to be said
and it makes me sad.

Mirror lyrics:

and it makes me sad.
to be said
and nothing left to be said
when there's everything to say
and it's times like this that i dread
i need to know 'cause i'll never stop hanging on to you
what will you do when the feeling that you have is through
I've felt the passing of these days gone by
i feel somehow
not until now
I've never caught you in a lie
Idle daylight, oh.
We can't live this way forever
'Cause i suddenly remembered
And in this beauty i would not go any further
Red face saints monogrammed in gold
Then let that crackled leather jacket round you fold
On a warm belly that once carried a baby for a while
You touch the tattoo of the sun
Bending backwards to please the wind
of summer trees after midnight
I can't forget the smell

So I could keep it always, always.
Just the way you said it
And i want to write them down
'Till your amber beads of wisdom come

not a kind word to say.
talking endlessly
and i'm mad at me
And i'm mad at you
And it's not the way i want to go

Shambling home again with you leading.
'Cause it's you who comes to take care of me
I'm so embarrassed
Confused for nothing thinking you'd be there
So I trashed myself at the bar

On what the caller brings you.
And then you're off again
Ring there goes the phone
When sweet feed back is Jumping through the hoop of you ear
But there's no room for my voice
Now I could speak the everything

In the summer sky baby.
We cut the engines and cruise high
And with ease of the sea gulls
Yours and mine
To make forbidden lakes our own
The chain linked fence you climbed

So glad you let me stay around.
Just incase you lose your way
So i follow you
The way that I've been so
'Cause you're not frightened
I believe everything you say

Relevant Tags:
TTattoo OOf TThe SSun attoo f he un aTttoo fO hTe uSn fattoo kf fhe zun fTattoo kOf fThe zSun Tfattoo Okf Tfhe Szun
5attoo 9f 5he wun 5Tattoo 9Of 5The wSun T5attoo O9f T5he Swun hattoo 0f hhe dun hTattoo 0Of hThe dSun Thattoo O0f Thhe Sdun
yattoo lf yhe eun yTattoo lOf yThe eSun Tyattoo Olf Tyhe Seun 6attoo if 6he xun 6Tattoo iOf 6The xSun T6attoo Oif T6he Sxun
gattoo Off ghe aun gTattoo O gThe aSun Tgattoo Of Tghe Saun rattoo Oc rhe Suun rTattoo Ocf rThe Sn Trattoo Ofc Trhe Snu
Taattoo Or Shn Tttoo Orf Te Shun Ttatoo Ofr Teh Suhn Tzttoo Og Tje S7n Tzattoo Ogf Tjhe S7un Tazttoo Ofg Thje Su7n
Tqttoo Ot Tue Skn Tqattoo Otf Tuhe Skun Taqttoo Oft Thue Sukn Tsttoo Ov Tne Sin Tsattoo Ovf Tnhe Siun Tasttoo Ofv Thne Suin
Twttoo Od Tbe S8n Twattoo Odf Tbhe S8un Tawttoo Ofd Thbe Su8n Txttoo Tge Sjn Txattoo Sjun Taxttoo Thge Sujn
Tatttoo Tye Syn Tatoo Syun Tattoo Thye Suyn Taftoo Thee Sunn Tafttoo Th Su Tatftoo The Sun
Ta5too Ths Sum Ta5ttoo Thse Sumn Tat5too Thes Sunm Tahtoo Th3 Suh Tahttoo Th3e Tathtoo The3 Sunh

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