Thirsty Merc

Torn, broke,
You wanted to be more.
If there's a time you felt like drinking
I bet it is now

And, then,
a moment in time comes
Events and actions move to shape us
Make a decision

Never lose what you see
All that is meant to be
You will find is more with
The moment is past it's gone
But you know
It will never be the same

Tired, gaunt,
you struggle all over the joint
Decide the grass is always greener
But all I know

Some, times, reality breaks down
Conversations in your head
Are taking the place of

Never lose what you see
All that is meant to be
You will find is more with
The moment is past, it's gone
But you know
It will never be the same

Do you feel alone now?
Do you think tomorrow won't be good?
You think that sometime, somehow
with the acid eyes that burn right through.

Never lose what you see
All that is meant to be
You will find is more with
The moment is past it's gone
But you know
It will never be the same

Mirror lyrics:

It will never be the same
But you know
The moment is past it's gone
You will find is more with
All that is meant to be
Never lose what you see

with the acid eyes that burn right through.
You think that sometime, somehow
Do you think tomorrow won't be good?
Do you feel alone now?

It will never be the same
But you know
The moment is past, it's gone
You will find is more with
All that is meant to be
Never lose what you see

Are taking the place of
Conversations in your head
Some, times, reality breaks down

But all I know
Decide the grass is always greener
you struggle all over the joint
Tired, gaunt,

It will never be the same
But you know
The moment is past it's gone
You will find is more with
All that is meant to be
Never lose what you see

Make a decision
Events and actions move to shape us
a moment in time comes
And, then,

I bet it is now
If there's a time you felt like drinking
You wanted to be more.
Torn, broke,

Relevant Tags:
HHope ope oHpe jope jHope Hjope uope uHope Huope nope nHope
Hnope bope bHope Hbope gope gHope Hgope yope yHope Hyope Hoope
Hpe Hpoe Hkpe Hkope Hokpe H9pe H9ope Ho9pe H0pe H0ope Ho0pe
Hlpe Hlope Holpe

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