Third Day

Blackbird, why you waering that frown?
Don't you know Jesus loves you and me
and the preacher on T.V. you're putting down

Blackbird, how I love to hear your songs
I could spend all of my time in the sade
of the trees and listen all day long

But you're ever hearing, never understanding
ever seeing, not perceiving and your heart
has grown callous
you're in a storm and lost your way
won't you fly to heaven and be saved today

Blackbird, now you're broken your wing
you try to fly high but you know that you
can't go anywhere, you can't do anything

Blackbird, who put you in your cage
tell me, was it God or was it you
was it me? i guess it don't matter anyway

Repeat Chorus

(Bridge) You say you need a remedy
for the thorn in your pride
i think it's such a tragedy
that you have left him behind

you say you'd light your candle
but your love light doesn't shine
you say you talk to angels
well i say it's such a lie

Repeat Chorus

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat Chorus

well i say it's such a lie
you say you talk to angels
but your love light doesn't shine
you say you'd light your candle

that you have left him behind
i think it's such a tragedy
for the thorn in your pride
(Bridge) You say you need a remedy

Repeat Chorus

was it me? i guess it don't matter anyway
tell me, was it God or was it you
Blackbird, who put you in your cage

can't go anywhere, you can't do anything
you try to fly high but you know that you
Blackbird, now you're broken your wing

won't you fly to heaven and be saved today
you're in a storm and lost your way
has grown callous
ever seeing, not perceiving and your heart
But you're ever hearing, never understanding

of the trees and listen all day long
I could spend all of my time in the sade
Blackbird, how I love to hear your songs

and the preacher on T.V. you're putting down
Don't you know Jesus loves you and me
Blackbird, why you waering that frown?

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Blaxckbird Blacckbird Blakbird Blakcbird Blafkbird Blafckbird Blacfkbird Blaxkbird Blacxkbird Blavkbird Blavckbird
Blacvkbird Bladkbird Bladckbird Blacdkbird Blackkbird Blacbird Blacbkird Blaclbird Blaclkbird Blacklbird Blacobird
Blacokbird Blackobird Blacmbird Blacmkbird Blackmbird Blacjbird Blacjkbird Blackjbird Blacibird Blacikbird Blackibird

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