Seals & Crofts
Nine Houses

Nine houses faith built and all of us, all of us abuse them
Nine houses faith built and all of us, all of us must use them
For if we do then we can make the trees and the hills and rivers wide
Sing with such love and a peace they've never known

I can see, I can feel
I can do a million things in dreams where sense is no longer needed
In the wilderness, in the wilderness
I can cross a million streams in dreams where sense is no longer needed

Children in cocoons many colored tunes
Make their way into a day where sense is no longer needed

So there's a lotta sense in livin'
When the world we know starts givin'
We can spread our wings some sunny day and fly away
But 'til we all fly together, what sense does it make?

Mirror lyrics:

But 'til we all fly together, what sense does it make?
We can spread our wings some sunny day and fly away
When the world we know starts givin'
So there's a lotta sense in livin'

Make their way into a day where sense is no longer needed
Children in cocoons many colored tunes

I can cross a million streams in dreams where sense is no longer needed
In the wilderness, in the wilderness
I can do a million things in dreams where sense is no longer needed
I can see, I can feel

Sing with such love and a peace they've never known
For if we do then we can make the trees and the hills and rivers wide
Nine houses faith built and all of us, all of us must use them
Nine houses faith built and all of us, all of us abuse them

Relevant Tags:
NNine HHouses ine ouses iNne oHuses mine jouses mNine jHouses Nmine Hjouses hine uouses hNine uHouses Nhine Huouses jine nouses
jNine nHouses Njine Hnouses bine bouses bNine bHouses Nbine Hbouses Niine gouses Nne gHouses Nnie Hgouses Njne youses yHouses
Nijne Hyouses N9ne Hoouses N9ine Huses Ni9ne Huoses Nlne Hkuses Nline Hkouses Nilne Hokuses None H9uses Noine H9ouses Nione Ho9uses
Nkne H0uses Nkine H0ouses Nikne Ho0uses N8ne Hluses N8ine Hlouses Ni8ne Holuses Nune Hiuses Nuine Hiouses Niune Hoiuses Ninne Houuses
Nie Hoses Nien Hosues Nime Hohses Nimne Hohuses Ninme Houhses Nihe Ho7ses Nihne Ho7uses Ninhe Hou7ses Nije Hokses Ninje Houkses
Nibe Hoises Nibne Ninbe Houises Ninee Ho8ses Nin Ho8uses Nine Hou8ses Nins Hojses Ninse Hojuses Nines Houjses

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