Episode 4.12 My Best Moment

Episode 4.12 - "My Best Moment"

Scene: J.D. initially remembers his best moment as a doctor.
"What the World Needs Now is Love" performed by ??

Scene: J.D. recalls another way to catch mono (background music).
"Take On Me" by a-ha. Album: 'Hunting High and Low'

Scene: Turk initially remembers his best moment as a doctor.
"Flight of the Bumblebee" by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

Scene: Everyone thinks of their true best medical moment.
"Joy to the World" by The Butties. Album: '3'

Mirror lyrics:

"Joy to the World" by The Butties. Album: '3'
Scene: Everyone thinks of their true best medical moment.

"Flight of the Bumblebee" by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
Scene: Turk initially remembers his best moment as a doctor.

"Take On Me" by a-ha. Album: 'Hunting High and Low'
Scene: J.D. recalls another way to catch mono (background music).

"What the World Needs Now is Love" performed by ??
Scene: J.D. initially remembers his best moment as a doctor.

Episode 4.12 - "My Best Moment"

Relevant Tags:
EEpisode 44.12 MMy BBest MMoment pisode .12 y est oment pEisode .412 yM eBst oMment spisode 5.12 jy vest joment sEpisode 54.12 jMy vBest jMoment
Espisode 45.12 Mjy Bvest Mjoment 3pisode e.12 ky gest koment 3Episode e4.12 kMy gBest kMoment E3pisode 4e.12 Mky Bgest Mkoment fpisode r.12 ny nest noment
fEpisode r4.12 nMy nBest nMoment Efpisode 4r.12 Mny Bnest Mnoment rpisode 3.12 Myy hest Mooment rEpisode 34.12 M hBest Mment Erpisode 43.12 My Bhest Mmoent
4pisode 4..12 Mg Beest Mkment 4Episode 412 Mgy Bst E4pisode 41.2 Myg Bset Mokment dpisode 4.112 Mh Bsst M9ment dEpisode 4.2 Mhy Bsest M9oment
Edpisode 4.21 Myh Besst Mo9ment wpisode 4.22 M6 B3st M0ment wEpisode 4.212 M6y B3est M0oment Ewpisode 4.122 My6 Be3st Mo0ment Eppisode 4.q2 Mu Bfst Mlment
Eisode 4.q12 Muy Bfest Mloment Eipsode 4.1q2 Myu Befst Molment E0isode M7 Brst Miment E0pisode 4.1 M7y Brest Mioment Ep0isode 4.12 My7 Berst Moiment
Elisode 4.13 Mj B4st Momment Elpisode 4.132 B4est Moent Eplisode 4.123 Myj Be4st Moemnt Eoisode 4.1q Mt Bdst Mojent Eopisode Mty Bdest Mojment
Epoisode 4.12q Myt Bedst Momjent Epiisode 4.1w Bwst Mokent Epsode 4.1w2 Bwest Epsiode 4.12w Bewst Momkent Epjsode 4.11 Monent
Epjisode Bet Monment Epijsode 4.121 Bets Momnent Ep9sode Bezt Momeent Ep9isode Bezst Momnt Epi9sode Beszt Momnet
Eplsode Bewt Momsnt Momsent Epilsode Beswt Momesnt Eposode Bedt Mom3nt Mom3ent
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Ep8isode Bexst Momrent Epi8sode Besxt Momernt Epusode Beat Mom4nt Epuisode Beast Mom4ent Epiusode Besat Mome4nt
Epissode Bestt Momdnt Epiode Bes Momdent Epiosde Best Momednt Epizode Besf Momwnt Epizsode Besft Momwent
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