Second Class
Not Today

he's pretending that he's so trendy but he's not fooling
her she cant keep from laughing at him and every single
word its so pathetic he just can't get it he keeps
spending every penny to try and be so cool she keeps
hoping he's only joking cause he looks like a fool
he spends his money she thinks its funny its so pathetic
he just can't get it how long will it take before he
learns that the things he does they just don't work
over and over and over again he's trying so hard to
be someone that we all know he's not how long will
it take before he learns that the things he does they
just don't work he's pretending that he's so trendy
but he's not fooling her not today

Mirror lyrics:

but he's not fooling her not today
just don't work he's pretending that he's so trendy
it take before he learns that the things he does they
be someone that we all know he's not how long will
over and over and over again he's trying so hard to
learns that the things he does they just don't work
he just can't get it how long will it take before he
he spends his money she thinks its funny its so pathetic
hoping he's only joking cause he looks like a fool
spending every penny to try and be so cool she keeps
word its so pathetic he just can't get it he keeps
her she cant keep from laughing at him and every single
he's pretending that he's so trendy but he's not fooling

Relevant Tags:
NNot TToday ot oday oNt oTday mot foday mNot fToday Nmot Tfoday hot 5oday hNot 5Today Nhot T5oday jot hoday jNot hToday
Njot Thoday bot yoday bNot yToday Nbot Tyoday Noot 6oday Nt 6Today Nto T6oday Nkt goday Nkot gToday Nokt Tgoday N9t roday
N9ot rToday No9t Troday N0t Tooday N0ot Tday No0t Tdoay Nlt Tkday Nlot Tkoday Nolt Tokday Nit T9day Niot T9oday Noit To9day
Nott T0day No T0oday Not To0day Nof Tlday Noft Tloday Notf Tolday No5 Tiday No5t Tioday Not5 Toiday Noh Todday Noht Toay
Noth Toady Noy Toxay Noyt Toxday Noty Todxay No6 Toeay No6t Toeday Not6 Todeay Nog Tofay

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