Right Here, Right Now

Take my hand and walk with me
Let me show you what I'm feeling
What's going on inside of me
Don't you know you have changed me?
Don't you know my wishes all came true?
You're my angel, now I wanna do it all for you

Right here, right now, nothing is impossible
Right here, right now, I'm riding on a miracle
I see your face and I feel your love
and there's nothing I can do
Right here, right now, my heart
my heart belongs to you

Feels like yesterday to me (yeah)
when you passed outside my window
And your vision caught my eyes
Like you've known me forever
Something made you turn and look at me
In that heartbeat, I knew my destiny


For now and for always
You'll be the one I love
You'll be the one I turn to

Chorus (2x)

My heart belongs to you

Mirror lyrics:

My heart belongs to you

Chorus (2x)

You'll be the one I turn to
You'll be the one I love
For now and for always


In that heartbeat, I knew my destiny
Something made you turn and look at me
Like you've known me forever
And your vision caught my eyes
when you passed outside my window
Feels like yesterday to me (yeah)

my heart belongs to you
Right here, right now, my heart
and there's nothing I can do
I see your face and I feel your love
Right here, right now, I'm riding on a miracle
Right here, right now, nothing is impossible

You're my angel, now I wanna do it all for you
Don't you know my wishes all came true?
Don't you know you have changed me?
What's going on inside of me
Let me show you what I'm feeling
Take my hand and walk with me

Relevant Tags:
RRight HHere, RRight NNow ight ere, ight ow iRght eHre, iRght oNw dight jere, dight mow dRight jHere, dRight mNow Rdight Hjere, Rdight Nmow
4ight uere, 4ight how 4Right uHere, 4Right hNow R4ight Huere, R4ight Nhow gight nere, gight jow gRight nHere, gRight jNow Rgight Hnere, Rgight Njow
tight bere, tight bow tRight bHere, tRight bNow Rtight Hbere, Rtight Nbow 5ight gere, 5ight Noow 5Right gHere, 5Right Nw R5ight Hgere, R5ight Nwo
fight yere, fight Nkw fRight yHere, fRight Nkow Rfight Hyere, Rfight Nokw eight Heere, eight N9w eRight Hre, eRight N9ow Reight Hree, Reight No9w
Riight Hsre, Riight N0w Rght Hsere, Rght N0ow Rgiht Hesre, Rgiht No0w Rjght H3re, Rjght Nlw Rjight H3ere, Rjight Nlow Rijght He3re, Rijght Nolw
R9ght Hfre, R9ght Niw R9ight Hfere, R9ight Niow Ri9ght Hefre, Ri9ght Noiw Rlght Hrre, Rlght Noww Rlight Hrere, Rlight No Rilght Herre, Rilght Now
Roght H4re, Roght Noa Roight H4ere, Roight Noaw Rioght He4re, Rioght Nowa Rkght Hdre, Rkght No3 Rkight Hdere, Rkight No3w Rikght Hedre, Rikght Now3
R8ght Hwre, R8ght Nod R8ight Hwere, R8ight Nodw Ri8ght Hewre, Ri8ght Nowd Rught Rught Noe Ruight Hee, Ruight Noew Riught Heer, Riught Nowe
Rigght Hede, Rigght Nos Riht Riht Nosw Rihgt Herde, Rihgt Nows Rihht He4e, Rihht No2 Rihght Rihght No2w Righht Her4e, Righht Now2

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