Bird In The Hand

All washed down the drain
All washed down the drain
Take it home with you
I don?t know what to say to you
And I know how it can be

Drop to the whisper
And take it while you can
It?s only a little bird
In the palm of your big hand

Racked my brain
And now I?m confused as hell
I don?t know what you want
If it?s all the same
I think I?ll go on home

Droppin' a whisper
And take it while you can
It?s only a little bird
In the palm of your big hand

No one can change
You can?t change

Mirror lyrics:

You can?t change
No one can change

In the palm of your big hand
It?s only a little bird
And take it while you can
Droppin' a whisper

I think I?ll go on home
If it?s all the same
I don?t know what you want
And now I?m confused as hell
Racked my brain

In the palm of your big hand
It?s only a little bird
And take it while you can
Drop to the whisper

And I know how it can be
I don?t know what to say to you
Take it home with you
All washed down the drain
All washed down the drain

Relevant Tags:
BBird IIn TThe HHand ird n he and iBrd nI hTe aHnd vird jn fhe jand vBird jIn fThe jHand Bvird Ijn Tfhe Hjand gird 9n 5he uand
gBird 9In 5The uHand Bgird I9n T5he Huand nird ln hhe nand nBird lIn hThe nHand Bnird Iln Thhe Hnand hird on yhe band hBird oIn yThe bHand
Bhird Ion Tyhe Hband Biird kn 6he gand Brd kIn 6The gHand Brid Ikn T6he Hgand Bjrd 8n ghe yand Bjird 8In gThe yHand Bijrd I8n Tghe Hyand
B9rd un rhe Haand B9ird uIn rThe Hnd Bi9rd Iun Trhe Hnad Blrd Inn Hznd Blird I Te Hzand Bilrd In Teh Haznd Bord Im Tje Hqnd
Boird Imn Tjhe Hqand Biord Inm Thje Haqnd Bkrd Ih Tue Hsnd Bkird Ihn Tuhe Hsand Bikrd Inh Thue Hasnd B8rd Ij Tne Hwnd B8ird Tnhe Hwand
Bi8rd Inj Thne Hawnd Burd Ib Tbe Hxnd Buird Ibn Tbhe Hxand Biurd Inb Thbe Haxnd Birrd Tge Hannd

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