Tim Mcgraw
I Didn't Ask And She Didn't Say

Fogged in in Dallas
On my way to L.A.
Staring up at the screen,
All flights were delayed.
When a voice from behind me
Asked "Stranger how have u been?"
Well I was caught off guard,
When I saw her face
Stumbled my way thru an awkward embrace
Then somehow I managed to say
"Good to see you again."
We caught up on old friends,
Caught up on old times
But all thru the small talk,
It kept burnin thru my mind

Does she think about the nights we spent on Crystal Lake?
Wrapped up in a blanket til the break of day
So many times I've wondered
Does she, think of me that way?
I didn't ask
And she didn't say

Tradin stories and pictures of kids
Things we're gonna do and things we never did
Til stranded in that moment
Not sure what to say
Then she broke the silence
With her little shy smile
She brought up the weather,

But all the while I wondered
If she thinks about Jackson Hole
Nights beside the fire and angels in the snow
So many times I've wondered
Does she think of me that way?
I didn't ask and she didn't say

We said our goodbyes
Swore we'd stay in touch
Then we went our seperate ways
Knowing no one ever does

But I couldnt help but wonder
As I walked away
If things had turned out different
Where would we be today
So many times I've wondered
Does she think of me that way?
I didn't ask and she didn't say
No I didn't ask and she didn't say

Mirror lyrics:

No I didn't ask and she didn't say
I didn't ask and she didn't say
Does she think of me that way?
So many times I've wondered
Where would we be today
If things had turned out different
As I walked away
But I couldnt help but wonder

Knowing no one ever does
Then we went our seperate ways
Swore we'd stay in touch
We said our goodbyes

I didn't ask and she didn't say
Does she think of me that way?
So many times I've wondered
Nights beside the fire and angels in the snow
If she thinks about Jackson Hole
But all the while I wondered

She brought up the weather,
With her little shy smile
Then she broke the silence
Not sure what to say
Til stranded in that moment
Things we're gonna do and things we never did
Tradin stories and pictures of kids

And she didn't say
I didn't ask
Does she, think of me that way?
So many times I've wondered
Wrapped up in a blanket til the break of day
Does she think about the nights we spent on Crystal Lake?

It kept burnin thru my mind
But all thru the small talk,
Caught up on old times
We caught up on old friends,
"Good to see you again."
Then somehow I managed to say
Stumbled my way thru an awkward embrace
When I saw her face
Well I was caught off guard,
Asked "Stranger how have u been?"
When a voice from behind me
All flights were delayed.
Staring up at the screen,
On my way to L.A.
Fogged in in Dallas

Relevant Tags:
II DDidn't AAsk AAnd SShe DDidn't SSay idn't sk nd he idn't ay I iDdn't sAk nAd hSe iDdn't aSy j xidn't zsk znd zhe xidn't zay jI xDidn't zAsk zAnd zShe xDidn't zSay
Ij Dxidn't Azsk Aznd Szhe Dxidn't Szay 9 eidn't qsk qnd whe eidn't way 9I eDidn't qAsk qAnd wShe eDidn't wSay I9 Deidn't Aqsk Aqnd Swhe Deidn't Sway l fidn't ssk snd dhe fidn't day
lI fDidn't sAsk sAnd dShe fDidn't dSay Il Dfidn't Assk Asnd Sdhe Dfidn't Sday o ridn't wsk wnd ehe ridn't eay oI rDidn't wAsk wAnd eShe rDidn't eSay Io Dridn't Awsk Awnd Sehe Dridn't Seay
k cidn't xsk xnd xhe cidn't xay kI cDidn't xAsk xAnd xShe cDidn't xSay Ik Dcidn't Axsk Axnd Sxhe Dcidn't Sxay 8 sidn't Annd ahe sidn't aay 8I sDidn't Ak Ad aShe sDidn't aSay
I8 Dsidn't Aks Adn Sahe Dsidn't Saay u Diidn't Azk Amd Shhe Diidn't uI Ddn't Amnd Se Ddn't Sy Iu Ddin't Aszk Anmd Seh Ddin't Sya Djdn't Awk Ahd Sje Djdn't Szy
Djidn't Ahnd Sjhe Djidn't Dijdn't Aswk Anhd Shje Dijdn't Sazy D9dn't Adk Ajd Sue D9dn't Sqy D9idn't Adsk Ajnd Suhe D9idn't Sqay Di9dn't Asdk Anjd Shue Di9dn't Saqy
Dldn't Aek Abd Sne Dldn't Ssy Dlidn't Aesk Abnd Snhe Dlidn't Ssay Dildn't Asek Anbd Shne Dildn't Sasy Dodn't Axk Andd Sbe Dodn't Swy Doidn't An Sbhe Doidn't
Diodn't Asxk And Shbe Diodn't Sawy Dkdn't Aak Anx Sge Dkdn't Sxy Dkidn't Aask Anxd Sghe Dkidn't Dikdn't Asak Andx Shge Dikdn't Saxy D8dn't Askk Ane Sye D8dn't Sayy
D8idn't As Aned Syhe D8idn't Sa Di8dn't Ask Ande Shye Di8dn't Say Dudn't Asl Anf Shee Dudn't Sag Duidn't Aslk Anfd Sh Duidn't Sagy Diudn't Askl Andf She Diudn't Sayg
Diddn't Aso Anr Shs Diddn't Sah Din't Asok Anrd Shse Din't Sahy Dind't Asko Andr Shes Dind't Sayh Dixn't Asm Anc Sh3 Dixn't Sa6 Dixdn't Asmk Ancd Sh3e Dixdn't Sa6y
Didxn't Askm Andc She3 Didxn't Say6 Dien't Asj Ans Shf Dien't Sau Diedn't Asjk Ansd Shfe Diedn't Sauy Diden't Askj Ands Shef Diden't Sayu

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