Tim Mcgraw
Everybody Hates Me

Well Joe got a promotion
He's up there on top
Everybody was cheerin' him on
He deserves everything he's got

Guess who's the new talk of the town
The new S.O.B.
The one everybody loves cuttin' down
Man it's a sight to see
They all smile right to his face, and hide the jealousy
Me I'm just working hard to get to that place,
Where everybody hates me

(Now check this out)

Well Bill got a promotion
He knocked Joe back down
Now Joe's everybody's long lost friend [laugh]
He's back in the crowd

Guess who's the new talk of the town
The new S.O.B.
The one everybody loves cuttin' down
Man it's a sight to see
They all smile right to his face, and hide the jealousy
Me I'm just working hard to get to that place,
Where everybody hates me

Well everybody wants to be the big dog
Wanna wag that big dog tail
But til' they are they wanna see the big dog fail

You pay your dues and you get your breaks
Then your the S.O.B.
The one everybody loves to hate
It just comes naturally
They all smile right to your face, and hide the jealousy
That's just the way it goes and I can't wait
Til everybody hates me

Mirror lyrics:

Til everybody hates me
That's just the way it goes and I can't wait
They all smile right to your face, and hide the jealousy
It just comes naturally
The one everybody loves to hate
Then your the S.O.B.
You pay your dues and you get your breaks

But til' they are they wanna see the big dog fail
Wanna wag that big dog tail
Well everybody wants to be the big dog

Where everybody hates me
Me I'm just working hard to get to that place,
They all smile right to his face, and hide the jealousy
Man it's a sight to see
The one everybody loves cuttin' down
The new S.O.B.
Guess who's the new talk of the town

He's back in the crowd
Now Joe's everybody's long lost friend [laugh]
He knocked Joe back down
Well Bill got a promotion

(Now check this out)

Where everybody hates me
Me I'm just working hard to get to that place,
They all smile right to his face, and hide the jealousy
Man it's a sight to see
The one everybody loves cuttin' down
The new S.O.B.
Guess who's the new talk of the town

He deserves everything he's got
Everybody was cheerin' him on
He's up there on top
Well Joe got a promotion

Relevant Tags:
EEverybody HHates MMe verybody ates e vEerybody aHtes eM sverybody jates je sEverybody jHates jMe Esverybody Hjates Mje
3verybody uates ke 3Everybody uHates kMe E3verybody Huates Mke fverybody nates ne fEverybody nHates nMe Efverybody Hnates Mne
rverybody bates Mee rEverybody bHates M Erverybody Hbates Me 4verybody gates Ms 4Everybody gHates Mse E4verybody Hgates Mes
dverybody yates M3 dEverybody yHates M3e Edverybody Hyates Me3 wverybody Haates Mf wEverybody Htes Mfe Ewverybody Htaes Mef
Evverybody Hztes Mr Eerybody Hzates Mre Eevrybody Haztes Mer Eberybody Hqtes M4 Ebverybody Hqates M4e Evberybody Haqtes Me4
Ecerybody Hstes Md Ecverybody Hsates Mde Evcerybody Hastes Med Egerybody Hwtes Mw Egverybody Hwates Mwe Evgerybody Hawtes Mew
Eferybody Hxtes Hxates Evferybody Haxtes Eveerybody Hattes Evrybody Haes Evreybody Haets
Evsrybody Hafes Evserybody Haftes Evesrybody Hatfes Ev3rybody Ha5es Ev3erybody Ha5tes Eve3rybody Hat5es
Evfrybody Hahes Hahtes Evefrybody Hathes Evrrybody Hayes Evrerybody Haytes Everrybody Hatyes
Ev4rybody Ha6es Ev4erybody Ha6tes Eve4rybody Hat6es Evdrybody Hages Evderybody Hagtes Evedrybody Hatges
Evwrybody Hares Evwerybody Hartes Evewrybody Hatres Hatees Eveybody Hats Eveyrbody Hatse
Evedybody Hatss Hatses Everdybody Hatess Eve4ybody Hat3s Hat3es Ever4ybody Hate3s
Evegybody Hatfs Evegrybody Evergybody Hatefs Evetybody Hatrs Evetrybody Evertybody Haters
Eve5ybody Hat4s Eve5rybody Hat4es Ever5ybody Hate4s Evefybody Hatds Hatdes Everfybody Hateds
Eveeybody Hatws Hatwes Evereybody Hatews Everyybody Everbody Hate

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