Tim Finn
In Love With It All

God's white beard hung down
Sacrilegious town
Sleek nostalgia blonde
the one you had your eyes on
As you came back from the altar
your head was all a-gaga
In love with it all
In love with it all
In love with it all
with it all
Brothers come to blows
white shirt all aglow
All laid out ahead
just like the family photos
that fall out of the suitcase
and wear the same expression
In love with it all
In love with it all
In love with it all
with it all
To score the highest hilltop
to turn the angry river
leave ripples on the surface
In love with it all
In love with it all
In love with it all
with it all

Mirror lyrics:

with it all
In love with it all
In love with it all
In love with it all
leave ripples on the surface
to turn the angry river
To score the highest hilltop
with it all
In love with it all
In love with it all
In love with it all
and wear the same expression
that fall out of the suitcase
just like the family photos
All laid out ahead
white shirt all aglow
Brothers come to blows
with it all
In love with it all
In love with it all
In love with it all
your head was all a-gaga
As you came back from the altar
the one you had your eyes on
Sleek nostalgia blonde
Sacrilegious town
God's white beard hung down

Relevant Tags:
IIn LLove WWith IIt AAll n ove ith t ll nI oLve iWth tI lAl jn kove aith jt zll jIn kLove aWith jIt zAll Ijn Lkove Waith Ijt Azll
9n oove 3ith 9t qll 9In oLove 3With 9It qAll I9n Loove W3ith I9t Aqll ln pove dith lt sll lIn pLove dWith lIt sAll Iln Lpove Wdith Ilt Asll
on eith ot wll oIn Lve eWith oIt wAll Ion Lvoe Weith Iot Awll kn Lkve sith kt xll kIn sWith kIt xAll Ikn Lokve Wsith Ikt Axll
8n L9ve 2ith 8t Alll 8In L9ove 2With 8It Al I8n Lo9ve W2ith I8t All un L0ve qith ut Akl uIn L0ove qWith uIt Akll Iun Lo0ve Wqith Iut Alkl
Inn Llve Wiith Itt Aol I Llove Wth I Aoll In Lolve Wtih It Alol Im Live Wjth If Apl Imn Liove Wjith Ift Apll Inm Loive Wijth Itf Alpl
Ih Lovve W9th I5 Ihn Loe W9ith I5t Inh Loev Wi9th It5 Ij Lobe Wlth Ih Alk Lobve Wlith Iht Inj Lovbe Wilth Ith Allk
Ib Loce Woth Iy Alo Ibn Locve Woith Iyt Inb Lovce Wioth Ity Allo Loge Wkth I6 Alp Logve Wkith I6t Lovge Wikth It6 Allp
Lofe W8th Ig Lofve W8ith Igt Lovfe Wi8th Itg

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