Tim Booth
Love Hard

When I look through the bottle

Every mountain magnified

My balance is fried

I can't even pray

When I look through the bottle

Every hue returns to grey

There's nothing to say

So I will say it anyway

My love is a healer

Just a look can purify

A hard loving heart

I've swallowed too much life

Then why must I leave her?

I can't stop the moving on

Can't stay with the one

Too much appetite

I want you to love me so hard

I want you to love so I can't stop

Now I'm over the hill

Too many fields

Too much to choose from

It's making me ill

Let's go over the top

Just give me a pill

Too much to choose from

It's making me ill

Mirror lyrics:

It's making me ill

Too much to choose from

Just give me a pill

Let's go over the top

It's making me ill

Too much to choose from

Too many fields

Now I'm over the hill

I want you to love so I can't stop

I want you to love me so hard

Too much appetite

Can't stay with the one

I can't stop the moving on

Then why must I leave her?

I've swallowed too much life

A hard loving heart

Just a look can purify

My love is a healer

So I will say it anyway

There's nothing to say

Every hue returns to grey

When I look through the bottle

I can't even pray

My balance is fried

Every mountain magnified

When I look through the bottle

Relevant Tags:
LLove HHard ove ard oLve aHrd kove jard kLove jHard Lkove Hjard oove uard oLove uHard Loove Huard pove nard pLove nHard
Lpove Hnard bard Lve bHard Lvoe Hbard Lkve gard gHard Lokve Hgard L9ve yard L9ove yHard Lo9ve Hyard L0ve Haard
L0ove Hrd Lo0ve Hrad Llve Hzrd Llove Hzard Lolve Hazrd Live Hqrd Liove Hqard Loive Haqrd Lovve Hsrd Loe Hsard Loev Hasrd
Lobe Hwrd Lobve Hward Lovbe Hawrd Loce Hxrd Locve Hxard Lovce Haxrd Loge Harrd

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