Time Spent Driving
Rain On Sundays

Sundays never fall quite right, will they just be swept away.
Under this endless skyline, my frame this windowpane.
If I die tonight, will your memories of me, just fade.
Because I can't forget, the first time you looked up at me.
The first time that I.. and I can't forget,
the first time you looked up at me,
The first time I heard you say my name.
These rains swell to drown the drive, lose me in the spray
and the million dotted lines, on the asphalt underneath.
If I die tonight, will your memories of me, just fade.
Can't wait till Sunday when I can hear your laugh again.
The first time that I and I can't forget,
the first time you looked up at me,
The first time I heard you say my name.
Now I wouldn't have it any other way.

Mirror lyrics:

Now I wouldn't have it any other way.
The first time I heard you say my name.
the first time you looked up at me,
The first time that I and I can't forget,
Can't wait till Sunday when I can hear your laugh again.
If I die tonight, will your memories of me, just fade.
and the million dotted lines, on the asphalt underneath.
These rains swell to drown the drive, lose me in the spray
The first time I heard you say my name.
the first time you looked up at me,
The first time that I.. and I can't forget,
Because I can't forget, the first time you looked up at me.
If I die tonight, will your memories of me, just fade.
Under this endless skyline, my frame this windowpane.
Sundays never fall quite right, will they just be swept away.

Relevant Tags:
RRain OOn SSundays ain n undays aRin nO uSndays dain kn zundays dRain kOn zSundays Rdain Okn Szundays 4ain 9n wundays
4Rain 9On wSundays R4ain O9n Swundays gain 0n dundays gRain 0On dSundays Rgain O0n Sdundays tain ln eundays tRain lOn eSundays
Rtain Oln Seundays 5ain in xundays 5Rain iOn xSundays R5ain Oin Sxundays fain Onn aundays fRain O aSundays Rfain On Saundays
eain Om Suundays eRain Omn Sndays Reain Onm Snudays Raain Oh Shndays Rin Ohn Shundays Rian Onh Suhndays Rzin Oj S7ndays
Rzain Ojn S7undays Razin Onj Su7ndays Rqin Ob Skndays Rqain Obn Skundays Raqin Onb Sukndays Rsin Sindays Rsain Siundays
Rasin Suindays Rwin S8ndays Rwain S8undays Rawin Su8ndays Rxin Sjndays Rxain Sjundays Raxin Sujndays
Raiin Syndays Ran Syundays Rani Suyndays Rajn Sunndays Rajin Sudays Raijn Sudnays Ra9n Sumdays
Ra9in Sumndays Rai9n Sunmdays Raln Suhdays Ralin Railn Sunhdays Raon Sujdays Raoin
Raion Sunjdays Rakn Subdays Rakin Subndays Raikn Sunbdays Ra8n Sunddays Ra8in Sunays Rai8n Sunadys
Raun Sunxays Rauin Sunxdays Raiun Sundxays Rainn Suneays Rai Sunedays Rain Sundeays Raim Sunfays

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