Time Spent Driving
Hardly With You

Hardly awake here. If that says enough.
Your love doesn't take here. Mine turns to dust.
If this means anything. It doesn't mean enough
I've done everything. And I'm still broken up
I try not to fight. I just try to understand.
You define what's important to me.
What's left to decide. What's left to understand.
Hearts are just toys here. Mine's been played enough
Quiet just makes noise here. My volume's up.
If this means anything at all.
It doesn't close to mean enough.
Cause I've done everything
And I'm still broken up.
I try not to fight. I just try to understand.
You define what's important to me.
What's left to decide. What's left to understand.
As far as I can tell, you're not happy at all.

Mirror lyrics:

As far as I can tell, you're not happy at all.
What's left to decide. What's left to understand.
You define what's important to me.
I try not to fight. I just try to understand.
And I'm still broken up.
Cause I've done everything
It doesn't close to mean enough.
If this means anything at all.
Quiet just makes noise here. My volume's up.
Hearts are just toys here. Mine's been played enough
What's left to decide. What's left to understand.
You define what's important to me.
I try not to fight. I just try to understand.
I've done everything. And I'm still broken up
If this means anything. It doesn't mean enough
Your love doesn't take here. Mine turns to dust.
Hardly awake here. If that says enough.

Relevant Tags:
HHardly WWith YYou ardly ith ou aHrdly iWth oYu jardly aith gou jHardly aWith gYou Hjardly Waith Ygou uardly 3ith hou
uHardly 3With hYou Huardly W3ith Yhou nardly dith 6ou nHardly dWith 6You Hnardly Wdith Y6ou bardly eith uou bHardly eWith uYou
Hbardly Weith Yuou gardly sith 7ou gHardly sWith 7You Hgardly Wsith Y7ou yardly 2ith jou yHardly 2With jYou Hyardly W2ith Yjou
Haardly qith tou Hrdly qWith tYou Hradly Wqith Ytou Hzrdly Wiith Yoou Hzardly Wth Yu Hazrdly Wtih Yuo Hqrdly Wjth Yku
Hqardly Wjith Ykou Haqrdly Wijth Yoku Hsrdly W9th Y9u Hsardly W9ith Y9ou Hasrdly Wi9th Yo9u Hwrdly Wlth Y0u Hwardly Wlith Y0ou
Hawrdly Wilth Yo0u Hxrdly Woth Ylu Hxardly Woith Ylou Haxrdly Wioth Yolu Harrdly Wkth Yiu Hadly Wkith Yiou Hadrly Wikth Yoiu
Haddly W8th Youu Hadrdly W8ith Yo Harddly Wi8th You Ha4dly Wuth Yoh Ha4rdly Wuith Yohu Har4dly Wiuth Youh Hagdly Witth Yo7
Hagrdly Wih Yo7u Hargdly Wiht You7 Hatdly Wifh Yok Hatrdly Wifth Hartdly Witfh Youk Ha5dly Wi5h Yoi Ha5rdly Wi5th
Har5dly Wit5h Youi Hafdly Wihh Yo8

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