Screaming Trees
The Secret Kind

Lying in the quiet darkness
Getting high alone
Pictures shifting out of focus
Not as far to go

Eyes to the sun
One more blind
Secret kind

Yesterday is twice removed
Tomorrow's close behind
Alone and unreliable
Windows out of time

Eyes to the sun
One more blind
Secret kind

Lying in the quiet darkness
Getting high alone
Pictures shifting out of focus
Not as far to go

Eyes to the sun
One more blind
Secret kind

Eyes to the sun
One more blind
Secret kind

Mirror lyrics:

Secret kind
One more blind
Eyes to the sun

Secret kind
One more blind
Eyes to the sun

Not as far to go
Pictures shifting out of focus
Getting high alone
Lying in the quiet darkness

Secret kind
One more blind
Eyes to the sun

Windows out of time
Alone and unreliable
Tomorrow's close behind
Yesterday is twice removed

Secret kind
One more blind
Eyes to the sun

Not as far to go
Pictures shifting out of focus
Getting high alone
Lying in the quiet darkness

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSecret KKind he ecret ind hTe eScret iKnd fhe zecret lind fThe zSecret lKind Tfhe Szecret Klind 5he wecret oind
5The wSecret oKind T5he Swecret Koind hhe decret mind hThe dSecret mKind Thhe Sdecret Kmind yhe eecret jind yThe eSecret jKind
Tyhe Seecret Kjind 6he xecret iind 6The xSecret iKind T6he Sxecret Kiind ghe aecret gThe aSecret Knd Tghe Saecret Knid
rhe Kjnd rThe Scret Trhe Sceret Kijnd Sscret K9nd Te Ssecret K9ind Teh Sescret Ki9nd Tje S3cret Klnd
Tjhe S3ecret Thje Se3cret Kilnd Tue Sfcret Kond Tuhe Sfecret Thue Sefcret Kiond Tne Srcret Kknd Tnhe Srecret Kkind
Thne Sercret Kiknd Tbe S4cret K8nd Tbhe S4ecret K8ind Thbe Se4cret Ki8nd Tge Sdcret Kund Kuind Thge Sedcret Kiund
Tye Swcret Kinnd Kid Thye Sewcret Kidn Thee Seccret Kimd Th Seret Kimnd The Sercet Kinmd Ths Sefret Kihd
Thse Kihnd Thes Secfret Kinhd Th3 Sexret Kijd Th3e Sexcret The3 Secxret Kinjd Thf Sevret Kibd Thfe Sevcret Kibnd
Thef Secvret Kinbd Thr Sedret Kindd Thre Kin

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