Scouting For Girls
The Airplane Song

She's a strawberry Milkshake
She's as sweet as a peach
But she's ice cold
She never told me, she was leaving
She left on a Friday
I went out for the day
she left for the year
She never told me she was leaving

So get yourself on an airplane cos its been far long since you been away
Get yourself on an airplne cos its been far long since you been away

Shes no extradinary
She left last Janurary
and thats the reason I miss you so

She's a messy creation
She hit the road but the road hit back
Nobody told me your an Island
I would wait for a life time
I've been counting the days since you left away
Nobody reaches her Island

So get yourself on an airplane cos its been far long since you been away
Get yourself on an airplane cos its been far long since you been away

She's no extradinary
She left last Janurary
And thats the reason I miss you so

So give me a chance
I want you to know
I wont love you and leave you
and then wont let you go

I'll either sort myself out
or somebody show me the way

And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows

You gotta give me a chance
and say you'll come home
I won't love you and leave you
and then let u go
Your always hard on your self

And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way

No body knows the right way

And Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away
Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away
Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away
Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away
Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away
Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away

Shes no extradinary
She left last Janurary
and thats the reason I miss you so

Mirror lyrics:

and thats the reason I miss you so
She left last Janurary
Shes no extradinary

Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away
Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away
Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away
Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away
Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away
And Get yourself on that airplane cos its been far since you went away

No body knows the right way

And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way

Your always hard on your self
and then let u go
I won't love you and leave you
and say you'll come home
You gotta give me a chance

And nobody knows
And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way
And nobody knows the way

or somebody show me the way
I'll either sort myself out

and then wont let you go
I wont love you and leave you
I want you to know
So give me a chance

And thats the reason I miss you so
She left last Janurary
She's no extradinary

Get yourself on an airplane cos its been far long since you been away
So get yourself on an airplane cos its been far long since you been away

Nobody reaches her Island
I've been counting the days since you left away
I would wait for a life time
Nobody told me your an Island
She hit the road but the road hit back
She's a messy creation

and thats the reason I miss you so
She left last Janurary
Shes no extradinary

Get yourself on an airplne cos its been far long since you been away
So get yourself on an airplane cos its been far long since you been away

She never told me she was leaving
she left for the year
I went out for the day
She left on a Friday
She never told me, she was leaving
But she's ice cold
She's as sweet as a peach
She's a strawberry Milkshake

Relevant Tags:
TThe AAirplane SSong he irplane ong hTe iArplane oSng fhe zirplane zong fThe zAirplane zSong Tfhe Azirplane Szong
5he qirplane wong 5The qAirplane wSong T5he Aqirplane Swong hhe sirplane dong hThe sAirplane dSong Thhe Asirplane Sdong
yhe wirplane eong yThe wAirplane eSong Tyhe Awirplane Seong 6he xirplane xong 6The xAirplane xSong T6he Axirplane Sxong
ghe Aiirplane aong gThe Arplane aSong Tghe Ariplane Saong rhe Ajrplane Soong rThe Ajirplane Sng Trhe Aijrplane Snog
A9rplane Skng Te A9irplane Skong Teh Ai9rplane Sokng Tje Alrplane S9ng Tjhe Alirplane S9ong Thje Ailrplane So9ng
Tue Aorplane S0ng Tuhe Aoirplane S0ong Thue Aiorplane So0ng Tne Akrplane Slng Tnhe Akirplane Slong Thne Aikrplane Solng
Tbe A8rplane Sing Tbhe A8irplane Siong Thbe Ai8rplane Soing Tge Aurplane Sonng Auirplane Sog Thge Aiurplane Sogn
Tye Airrplane Somg Aiplane Somng Thye Aiprlane Sonmg Thee Aidplane Sohg Th Aidrplane Sohng The Airdplane Sonhg
Ths Ai4plane Sojg Thse Ai4rplane Sojng Thes Air4plane Sonjg Th3 Aigplane Sobg Th3e Aigrplane Sobng The3 Airgplane Sonbg
Thf Aitplane Songg Thfe Aitrplane Son Thef Airtplane Song Thr Ai5plane Sonh Thre Ai5rplane Ther Air5plane Songh
Th4 Aifplane Sony Th4e Aifrplane Sonyg The4 Airfplane Songy Thd Aieplane Sonb Thde Aierplane Thed Aireplane Songb
Thw Airpplane Sonv Thwe Airlane Sonvg Thew Airlpane Songv Air0lane Sonf Air0plane Sonfg Airp0lane Songf

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