Don't Let It Go

I saw you creeping through the darkness
I had the light on my side
I caught your eye from the corner of the door
As you tried to be precise

I know you tried to keep the windows open
But the wind keeps howling through this place
And I know what you have trying to do
Because I know that look upon your face

DonÂ't let it go tonight
DonÂ't let the foundations fall
Just pick up the pieces
From where we left off
I donÂ't want to see you fall
DonÂ't let it go tonight

You speak with a constant tongue
YouÂ've been obsessed by our love
Now we reach out to find an empty hand
Seems a lost soul is not enough

You know you tried to let me know before
The best ways that you could
But I canÂ't see the sense in saying
You let the wolf come out of the woods

DonÂ't let it go tonight
DonÂ't let the foundations fall
Just pick up the pieces
From where we left off
I donÂ't want to see you fall
DonÂ't let it go tonight
DonÂ't let it go tonight

Music by/ Richard Johnstone
(C) TrueNorth 2008
Lyrics by/ Michael J Peade
All Rights Reserved.

Mirror lyrics:

All Rights Reserved.
Lyrics by/ Michael J Peade
(C) TrueNorth 2008
Music by/ Richard Johnstone

DonÂ't let it go tonight
DonÂ't let it go tonight
I donÂ't want to see you fall
From where we left off
Just pick up the pieces
DonÂ't let the foundations fall
DonÂ't let it go tonight

You let the wolf come out of the woods
But I canÂ't see the sense in saying
The best ways that you could
You know you tried to let me know before

Seems a lost soul is not enough
Now we reach out to find an empty hand
YouÂ've been obsessed by our love
You speak with a constant tongue

DonÂ't let it go tonight
I donÂ't want to see you fall
From where we left off
Just pick up the pieces
DonÂ't let the foundations fall
DonÂ't let it go tonight

Because I know that look upon your face
And I know what you have trying to do
But the wind keeps howling through this place
I know you tried to keep the windows open

As you tried to be precise
I caught your eye from the corner of the door
I had the light on my side
I saw you creeping through the darkness

Relevant Tags:
DDon't LLet IIt GGo on't et t o oDn't eLt tI oG xon't ket jt ho xDon't kLet jIt hGo Dxon't Lket Ijt Gho eon't oet 9t yo
eDon't oLet 9It yGo Deon't Loet I9t Gyo fon't pet lt bo fDon't pLet lIt bGo Dfon't Lpet Ilt Gbo ron't Leet ot vo rDon't Lt oIt vGo
Dron't Lte Iot Gvo con't Lst kt fo cDon't Lset kIt fGo Dcon't Lest Ikt Gfo son't L3t 8t to sDon't L3et 8It tGo Dson't Le3t I8t Gto
Doon't Lft ut Goo Dn't Lfet uIt G Dno't Left Iut Go Dkn't Lrt Itt Gk Dkon't Lret I Gko Dokn't Lert It Gok D9n't L4t If G9
D9on't L4et Ift G9o Do9n't Le4t Itf Go9 D0n't Ldt I5 G0 D0on't Ldet I5t G0o Do0n't Ledt It5 Go0 Dln't Lwt Ih Gl Dlon't Lwet Iht Glo
Doln't Lewt Ith Gol Din't Lett Iy Gi Dion't Le Iyt Gio Doin't Let Ity Goi Donn't Lef I6 Do't I6t

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