Scar Symmetry
The Path Of Least Resistance

The path of choice optimal
The labyrinth unsolved
Haunting the complex of these halls
Adrift upon the massive waves
This godforsaken maze
Suddenly returning to the haze

Guiding star shine bright tonight
And light up my path
Time has come to know myself

Least resistant path
Burning signals I'm finding
Least resistant path
Things to be said and done
I burn with the flames
Float with the uncontrolled waters
My soul flies with the breeze

Perplexed in vast complexity
Ghost in the machinery
Seeking the exit constantly
Facing a hopeless endeavour
Being one's own saviour
Lost without a guiding star

Guiding star shine bright tonight
And light up my path
Time has come to know myself

Least resistant path
Burning signals I'm finding
Least resistant path
Things to be said and done
I burn with the flames
Float with the uncontrolled waters
My soul flies with the breeze

With every corner turned my heart sinks
A mirage lights my hope again
That silhouette could be anything
But I'm beyond the realm of reason

Least resistant path
Burning signals I'm finding
Least resistant path
Things to be said and done
I burn with the flames
Float with the uncontrolled waters
My soul flies with the breeze

Guiding star shine bright tonight
And light up my path
Time has come to know myself
The path of least resistance

Mirror lyrics:

The path of least resistance
Time has come to know myself
And light up my path
Guiding star shine bright tonight

My soul flies with the breeze
Float with the uncontrolled waters
I burn with the flames
Things to be said and done
Least resistant path
Burning signals I'm finding
Least resistant path

But I'm beyond the realm of reason
That silhouette could be anything
A mirage lights my hope again
With every corner turned my heart sinks

My soul flies with the breeze
Float with the uncontrolled waters
I burn with the flames
Things to be said and done
Least resistant path
Burning signals I'm finding
Least resistant path

Time has come to know myself
And light up my path
Guiding star shine bright tonight

Lost without a guiding star
Being one's own saviour
Facing a hopeless endeavour
Seeking the exit constantly
Ghost in the machinery
Perplexed in vast complexity

My soul flies with the breeze
Float with the uncontrolled waters
I burn with the flames
Things to be said and done
Least resistant path
Burning signals I'm finding
Least resistant path

Time has come to know myself
And light up my path
Guiding star shine bright tonight

Suddenly returning to the haze
This godforsaken maze
Adrift upon the massive waves
Haunting the complex of these halls
The labyrinth unsolved
The path of choice optimal

Relevant Tags:
TThe PPath OOf LLeast RResistance he ath f east esistance hTe aPth fO eLast eRsistance fhe 0ath kf keast desistance fThe 0Path kOf kLeast dResistance
Tfhe P0ath Okf Lkeast Rdesistance 5he lath 9f oeast 4esistance 5The lPath 9Of oLeast 4Resistance T5he Plath O9f Loeast R4esistance hhe oath 0f peast gesistance
hThe oPath 0Of pLeast gResistance Thhe Poath O0f Lpeast Rgesistance yhe Paath lf Leeast tesistance yThe Pth lOf Last tResistance Tyhe Ptah Olf Laest Rtesistance
6he Pzth if Lsast 5esistance 6The Pzath iOf Lseast 5Resistance T6he Pazth Oif Lesast R5esistance ghe Pqth Off L3ast fesistance gThe Pqath O L3east fResistance
Tghe Paqth Of Le3ast Rfesistance rhe Psth Oc Lfast eesistance rThe Psath Ocf Lfeast eResistance Trhe Pasth Ofc Lefast Reesistance Pwth Or Lrast
Te Pwath Orf Lreast Rsistance Teh Pawth Ofr Lerast Rseistance Tje Pxth Og L4ast Rssistance Tjhe Pxath Ogf L4east Rsesistance Thje Paxth Ofg Le4ast Ressistance
Tue Patth Ot Ldast R3sistance Tuhe Pah Otf Ldeast R3esistance Thue Paht Oft Ledast Re3sistance Tne Pafh Ov Lwast Rfsistance Tnhe Pafth Ovf Lweast
Thne Patfh Ofv Lewast Refsistance Tbe Pa5h Od Leaast Rrsistance Tbhe Pa5th Odf Lest Rresistance Thbe Pat5h Ofd Lesat Rersistance Tge Pahh Lezst R4sistance
Pahth Lezast Thge Pathh Leazst Re4sistance Tye Payh Leqst Rdsistance Payth Leqast Thye Patyh Leaqst Redsistance
Thee Pa6h Lesst Rwsistance Th Pa6th Rwesistance The Pat6h Leasst Rewsistance Ths Pagh Lewst Thse Pagth Reistance
Thes Patgh Leawst Reisstance Th3 Parh Lexst Rezistance Th3e Parth Lexast Rezsistance The3 Patrh Leaxst Reszistance Thf Rewistance
Thfe Pat Leat Thef Path Leats Reswistance Thr Patj Leazt Redistance Thre Patjh Ther Pathj Leaszt Resdistance
Th4 Patu Leawt Reeistance Th4e Patuh The4 Pathu Leaswt Reseistance Thd Patn Leadt Rexistance Thde Patnh Leadst Rexsistance
Thed Pathn Leasdt Resxistance Thw Patb Leaet Reaistance Thwe Patbh Leaest Reasistance Thew Pathb Leaset Resaistance Patg Leaxt Resiistance
Resstance Pathg Leasxt Ressitance Paty Leaat Resjstance Resjistance Pathy Leasat Resijstance
Leastt Res9stance Leas Res9istance Least Resi9stance Leasf Reslstance Leasft Reslistance
Leastf Resilstance Leas5 Resostance Leas5t Resoistance Least5 Resiostance Leash Reskstance
Leasht Reskistance Leasth Resikstance Leasy Res8stance Leasyt Res8istance Leasty Resi8stance
Leas6 Resustance Leas6t Resuistance Least6 Resiustance Leasg Resisstance Leasgt Resitance
Leastg Resitsance Leasr Resiztance Leasrt Resizstance Leastr Resisztance Resiwtance

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