Scarlett Johansson
Innocent When You Dream

The bats are in the belfry, the dew is on the moor
Where are the arms that held me and pledged her love before
And pledged her love before

It's such a sad old feeling
The hills are soft and green
It's memories that I'm stealing
But you're innocent when you dream, when you dream
You're innocent when you dream, when you dream
You're innocent when you dream

I made a golden promise that we would never part
I gave my love a locket and then I broke his heart
And then I broke his heart

It's such a sad old feeling
The fields are soft and green
It's memories that I'm stealing
But you're innocent when you dream, when you dream
You're innocent when you dream, when you dream
You're innocent when you dream

Running through the graveyard, we laughed my friends and I
We swore we'd be together until the day we died
Until the day we died

It's such a sad old feeling
The fields are soft and green
It's memories that I'm stealing
But you're innocent when you dream, when you dream
You're innocent when you dream, when you dream
You're innocent when you dream

Mirror lyrics:

You're innocent when you dream
You're innocent when you dream, when you dream
But you're innocent when you dream, when you dream
It's memories that I'm stealing
The fields are soft and green
It's such a sad old feeling

Until the day we died
We swore we'd be together until the day we died
Running through the graveyard, we laughed my friends and I

You're innocent when you dream
You're innocent when you dream, when you dream
But you're innocent when you dream, when you dream
It's memories that I'm stealing
The fields are soft and green
It's such a sad old feeling

And then I broke his heart
I gave my love a locket and then I broke his heart
I made a golden promise that we would never part

You're innocent when you dream
You're innocent when you dream, when you dream
But you're innocent when you dream, when you dream
It's memories that I'm stealing
The hills are soft and green
It's such a sad old feeling

And pledged her love before
Where are the arms that held me and pledged her love before
The bats are in the belfry, the dew is on the moor

Relevant Tags:
IInnocent WWhen YYou DDream nnocent hen ou ream nInocent hWen oYu rDeam jnnocent ahen gou xream jInnocent aWhen gYou xDream Ijnnocent Wahen Ygou Dxream
9nnocent 3hen hou eream 9Innocent 3When hYou eDream I9nnocent W3hen Yhou Deream lnnocent dhen 6ou fream lInnocent dWhen 6You fDream Ilnnocent Wdhen Y6ou Dfream
onnocent ehen uou rream oInnocent eWhen uYou rDream Ionnocent Wehen Yuou Drream knnocent shen 7ou cream kInnocent sWhen 7You cDream Iknnocent Wshen Y7ou Dcream
8nnocent 2hen jou sream 8Innocent 2When jYou sDream I8nnocent W2hen Yjou Dsream unnocent qhen tou uInnocent qWhen tYou Deam Iunnocent Wqhen Ytou Deram
Innnocent Whhen Yoou Ddeam Inocent Wen Yu Ddream Innocent Wehn Yuo Drdeam Imnocent Wjen Yku D4eam Imnnocent Wjhen Ykou D4ream Inmnocent Whjen Yoku Dr4eam
Ihnocent Wuen Y9u Dgeam Ihnnocent Wuhen Y9ou Dgream Inhnocent Whuen Yo9u Drgeam Ijnocent Wnen Y0u Dteam Wnhen Y0ou Dtream Injnocent Whnen Yo0u Drteam
Ibnocent Wben Ylu D5eam Ibnnocent Wbhen Ylou D5ream Inbnocent Whben Yolu Dr5eam Wgen Yiu Dfeam Wghen Yiou Inoncent Whgen Yoiu Drfeam
Inmocent Wyen Youu Deeam Wyhen Yo Innmocent Whyen You Dreeam Inhocent Wheen Yoh Whn Yohu Dram Innhocent Whne Youh Draem
Injocent Whsn Yo7 Drsam Whsen Yo7u Drseam Innjocent Whesn You7 Dresam Inbocent Wh3n Yok Dr3am Wh3en Dr3eam Innbocent Whe3n Youk Dre3am
Innoocent Whfn Yoi Drfam Inncent Whfen Inncoent Whefn Youi Drefam Innkcent Whrn Yo8 Drram Innkocent Whren Yo8u Innokcent Whern You8 Dreram
Inn9cent Wh4n Yoj Dr4am Inn9ocent Wh4en Yoju Inno9cent Whe4n Youj Dre4am Inn0cent Whdn Yoy Drdam Inn0ocent Whden Yoyu Inno0cent Whedn Youy Dredam
Innlcent Whwn Drwam Innlocent Whwen Drweam Innolcent Whewn Drewam Innicent Whenn Dreaam

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