Take It Like A Woman

You sleep with me
Cos' I asked you to
But did you have to make me feel like dirt?
You played with me
Cos' you wanted to
Did you have a laugh when I was hurt?
I should have made you wait for a while
Before I let you in my bed
I should've said no to you
But I said yes, I said yes
So I'll take it like a woman would
I'll let it tear me apart
And I'll cry but I won't die
I'll take it like a woman should
I'll let it get to my heart
Then I'll try to start over
I'll start over, start over yeah
You laid with me
You led me on
Did it make you feel mighty and strong?
You shot me down
You had your fun
You'd had enough before I'd even begun
I should have made you feel insecure
Before I let you in my head
I should've meant more to you
But I meant less, I meant less
And I'll take it like a woman would
I'll let it tear me apart
And I'll cry but I won't die
I'll take it like a woman should
I'll let it get to my heart
Then I'll try to start over
I'll start over, start over yeah
I should have thought more of myself
Before I let you in my bed yeah
I should've said no to you
But I said...yes
And I'll take it like a woman would
I'll let it tear me apart
And I'll cry but I won't die
I'll take it like a woman should
I'll let it get to my heart
Then I'll try to start over
I'll start over, start over yeah
I'll start over, start over yeah
I'll start over, start over yeah

Mirror lyrics:

I'll start over, start over yeah
I'll start over, start over yeah
I'll start over, start over yeah
Then I'll try to start over
I'll let it get to my heart
I'll take it like a woman should
And I'll cry but I won't die
I'll let it tear me apart
And I'll take it like a woman would
But I said...yes
I should've said no to you
Before I let you in my bed yeah
I should have thought more of myself
I'll start over, start over yeah
Then I'll try to start over
I'll let it get to my heart
I'll take it like a woman should
And I'll cry but I won't die
I'll let it tear me apart
And I'll take it like a woman would
But I meant less, I meant less
I should've meant more to you
Before I let you in my head
I should have made you feel insecure
You'd had enough before I'd even begun
You had your fun
You shot me down
Did it make you feel mighty and strong?
You led me on
You laid with me
I'll start over, start over yeah
Then I'll try to start over
I'll let it get to my heart
I'll take it like a woman should
And I'll cry but I won't die
I'll let it tear me apart
So I'll take it like a woman would
But I said yes, I said yes
I should've said no to you
Before I let you in my bed
I should have made you wait for a while
Did you have a laugh when I was hurt?
Cos' you wanted to
You played with me
But did you have to make me feel like dirt?
Cos' I asked you to
You sleep with me

Relevant Tags:
TTake IIt LLike AA WWoman ake t ike oman aTke tI iLke A oWman fake jt kike z aoman fTake jIt kLike zA aWoman Tfake Ijt Lkike Az Waoman
5ake 9t oike q 3oman 5Take 9It oLike qA 3Woman T5ake I9t Loike Aq W3oman hake lt pike s doman hTake lIt pLike sA dWoman Thake Ilt Lpike As Wdoman
yake ot Liike w eoman yTake oIt Lke wA eWoman Tyake Iot Lkie Aw Weoman 6ake kt Ljke x soman 6Take kIt Ljike xA sWoman T6ake Ikt Lijke Ax Wsoman
gake 8t L9ke 2oman gTake 8It L9ike 2Woman Tgake I8t Li9ke W2oman rake ut Llke qoman rTake uIt Llike qWoman Trake Iut Lilke Wqoman
Taake Itt Loke Wooman Tke I Wman Tkae It Lioke Wmoan Tzke If Lkke Wkman Tzake Ift Wkoman Tazke Itf Likke Wokman
Tqke I5 L8ke W9man Tqake I5t L8ike W9oman Taqke It5 Li8ke Wo9man Tske Ih Luke W0man Tsake Iht Luike W0oman Taske Ith Liuke Wo0man
Twke Iy Wlman Twake Iyt Lie Wloman Tawke Ity Liek Wolman Txke I6 Lile Wiman Txake I6t Wioman Taxke It6 Likle Woiman
Takke Ig Lioe Womman

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