Riding The Snake

Caged... and riding the snake
Straight down from the night
True love for the fix
and she never been able
one minute
to kick back the feelings enticed
and you know it's never the same
Venomous poison constricting your life

Life... enough of the taste
Sweet demonic night
Raised up on her legs
Everytime you encounter the demon
Your future forever forever is lost
While riding the snake
who suffers the loss

Is there no shame
Is life so bad without you...
So far away
and I still can't fight you!!!

Climb... straight into the veins
Ran into the cell
Straight up to the snake
and it never will ever be

Hidding from futures
of innocence lost
Will we ever escape
the clinch of the jaws

Drowning in pools filled with lies
Filled inwith pain
Watch how the serpent survives...
Simmering hate!!!

Caged... and riding the snake
Love loss for the fix
bit down on the snake
Fates sending her back
No place to go
She will never change her ways
Spent to many nights
and can not take
raw emotions from others

Drowning in pools filled with lies
Condemned in pain
Watch how the serpent survives...
Simmering hate!!!

Mirror lyrics:

Simmering hate!!!
Watch how the serpent survives...
Condemned in pain
Drowning in pools filled with lies

raw emotions from others
and can not take
Spent to many nights
She will never change her ways
No place to go
Fates sending her back
bit down on the snake
Love loss for the fix
Caged... and riding the snake

Simmering hate!!!
Watch how the serpent survives...
Filled inwith pain
Drowning in pools filled with lies

the clinch of the jaws
Will we ever escape
of innocence lost
Hidding from futures

and it never will ever be
Straight up to the snake
Ran into the cell
Climb... straight into the veins

and I still can't fight you!!!
So far away
Is life so bad without you...
Is there no shame

who suffers the loss
While riding the snake
Your future forever forever is lost
Everytime you encounter the demon
Raised up on her legs
Sweet demonic night
Life... enough of the taste

Venomous poison constricting your life
and you know it's never the same
to kick back the feelings enticed
one minute
and she never been able
True love for the fix
Straight down from the night
Caged... and riding the snake

Relevant Tags:
RRiding TThe SSnake iding he nake iRding hTe nSake diding fhe znake dRiding fThe zSnake Rdiding Tfhe Sznake 4iding 5he wnake
4Riding 5The wSnake R4iding T5he Swnake giding hhe dnake gRiding hThe dSnake Rgiding Thhe Sdnake tiding yhe enake tRiding yThe eSnake
Rtiding Tyhe Senake 5iding 6he xnake 5Riding 6The xSnake R5iding T6he Sxnake fiding ghe anake fRiding gThe aSnake Rfiding Tghe Sanake
eiding rhe Snnake eRiding rThe Sake Reiding Trhe Sanke Riiding Smake Rding Te Smnake Rdiing Teh Snmake Rjding Tje Shake
Rjiding Tjhe Shnake Rijding Thje Snhake R9ding Tue Sjake R9iding Tuhe Sjnake Ri9ding Thue Snjake Rlding Tne Sbake Rliding Tnhe Sbnake
Rilding Thne Snbake Roding Tbe Snaake Roiding Tbhe Snke Rioding Thbe Snkae Rkding Tge Snzke Rkiding Snzake Rikding Thge Snazke
R8ding Tye Snqke R8iding Snqake Ri8ding Thye Snaqke Ruding Thee Snske Ruiding Th Snsake Riuding The Snaske Ridding Ths Snwke
Riing Thse Snwake Riidng Thes Snawke Rixing Th3 Snxke Rixding Th3e Snxake Ridxing The3 Snaxke Rieing Thf Snakke Rieding Thfe Snae
Rideing Thef Snaek Rifing Thr Snale Rifding Thre Snalke Ridfing Ther Snakle Riring Th4 Snaoe Rirding Th4e Snaoke Ridring The4 Snakoe

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