Unleash The Beast

Danger inside deep in your mind
Beware of the Beast that's within you
In towers of stone he walks alone
Close to the edge of your dreams

Unleash the Beast (*)
The time has come
Unleash the Beast
In everyone
Feel the fire in your soul
It's time
Unleash the Beast

Shrouded in time the end of your line
The curse of the past walks among you
In temples of gold you're myth will unfold
Your destiny waits there for you

(Repeat *)

In pages of old when fables were told
Of a time when the Beast was among you
In dark gothic rooms you search for the runes
To break from the spell that still binds you

Deep in the mist you can't resist
To follow the path that will free you
Like grains of sand
That slip through your hand
The end of the curse still cludes you

(Repeat *)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat *)

The end of the curse still cludes you
That slip through your hand
Like grains of sand
To follow the path that will free you
Deep in the mist you can't resist

To break from the spell that still binds you
In dark gothic rooms you search for the runes
Of a time when the Beast was among you
In pages of old when fables were told

(Repeat *)

Your destiny waits there for you
In temples of gold you're myth will unfold
The curse of the past walks among you
Shrouded in time the end of your line

Unleash the Beast
It's time
Feel the fire in your soul
In everyone
Unleash the Beast
The time has come
Unleash the Beast (*)

Close to the edge of your dreams
In towers of stone he walks alone
Beware of the Beast that's within you
Danger inside deep in your mind

Relevant Tags:
UUnleash TThe BBeast nleash he east nUleash hTe eBast hnleash fhe veast hUnleash fThe vBeast Uhnleash Tfhe Bveast
7nleash 5he geast 7Unleash 5The gBeast U7nleash T5he Bgeast knleash hhe neast kUnleash hThe nBeast Uknleash Thhe Bneast
inleash yhe heast iUnleash yThe hBeast Uinleash Tyhe Bheast 8nleash 6he Beeast 8Unleash 6The Bast U8nleash T6he Baest
jnleash ghe Bsast jUnleash gThe Bseast Ujnleash Tghe Besast ynleash rhe B3ast yUnleash rThe B3east Uynleash Trhe Be3ast
Unnleash Bfast Uleash Te Bfeast Ulneash Teh Befast Umleash Tje Brast Umnleash Tjhe Breast Unmleash Thje Berast
Uhleash Tue B4ast Tuhe B4east Unhleash Thue Be4ast Ujleash Tne Bdast Tnhe Bdeast Unjleash Thne Bedast
Ubleash Tbe Bwast Ubnleash Tbhe Bweast Unbleash Thbe Bewast Unlleash Tge Beaast Uneash Best Unelash Thge Besat
Unkeash Tye Bezst Unkleash Bezast Unlkeash Thye Beazst Unoeash Thee Beqst Unoleash Th Beqast Unloeash The Beaqst
Unpeash Ths Besst Unpleash Thse Unlpeash Thes Beasst Unleeash Th3 Bewst Unlash Th3e Unlaesh The3 Beawst
Unlsash Thf Bexst Unlseash Thfe Bexast Unlesash Thef Beaxst Unl3ash Thr Unl3eash Thre Beat Unle3ash Ther Beats
Unlfash Th4 Beazt Unlfeash Th4e Unlefash The4 Beaszt

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