What's Your Face

What's your face
What's your face
What's your face

I feel amused, confused
Always on my mind the tricks you have used
Why did you treat me so bad
First I glad then said no mad
Face to face and eye to eye
What is true I know through the light
No fantasies to hide your place
Show me what's your face

I swallowed all my pride
And straight right by your side
Hurt down you
I felt like a stranger
Why did you treat me so bad
What's your face
What is behind of mask
That's all I wanna ask
So, baby, tell the truth
What's your face
You always change your mind
Don't think that I am lying
So, baby, tell the truth
(There's no mean to hide
What you feel inside
Don't lie and tell me what's your face) (2)

I played the fool for you
I was haped on you, I didn't know what to do
Should I swallow all my pride
Forget the feelings deep inside
I tried to hear it all your lies
No surprise, no compromise
No fantasy, just no hide a place
Show me what's your face

I played the fool for you
I played the fool for you
No single word was true
No single word was true
You guided me through
And promised me heaven
Let me know what's your face
What's your face
What is behind of mask
That's all I wanna ask
So, baby, tell the truth
What's your face
You always change your mind
Don't think that I am lying
So, baby, tell the truth
What's your face

Are you an angel in the skies
Shown me the way to paradise
Don't you know it is destroyed
No love and peace
No fun and joy
I don't want a promise of tomorrow
Just to a boy pain and sorrow
Tell me the truth in any case
Show me what's your face
What's your face

Mirror lyrics:

What's your face
Show me what's your face
Tell me the truth in any case
Just to a boy pain and sorrow
I don't want a promise of tomorrow
No fun and joy
No love and peace
Don't you know it is destroyed
Shown me the way to paradise
Are you an angel in the skies

What's your face
So, baby, tell the truth
Don't think that I am lying
You always change your mind
What's your face
So, baby, tell the truth
That's all I wanna ask
What is behind of mask
What's your face
Let me know what's your face
And promised me heaven
You guided me through
No single word was true
No single word was true
I played the fool for you
I played the fool for you

Show me what's your face
No fantasy, just no hide a place
No surprise, no compromise
I tried to hear it all your lies
Forget the feelings deep inside
Should I swallow all my pride
I was haped on you, I didn't know what to do
I played the fool for you

Don't lie and tell me what's your face) (2)
What you feel inside
(There's no mean to hide
So, baby, tell the truth
Don't think that I am lying
You always change your mind
What's your face
So, baby, tell the truth
That's all I wanna ask
What is behind of mask
What's your face
Why did you treat me so bad
I felt like a stranger
Hurt down you
And straight right by your side
I swallowed all my pride

Show me what's your face
No fantasies to hide your place
What is true I know through the light
Face to face and eye to eye
First I glad then said no mad
Why did you treat me so bad
Always on my mind the tricks you have used
I feel amused, confused

What's your face
What's your face
What's your face

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Wehat's Yuour Ftace shat's 7our vace sWhat's 7Your vFace Wshat's Y7our Fvace 2hat's jour dace 2What's jYour dFace W2hat's Yjour Fdace
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