Watching The Sky

Ever since I was a young boy
I turned towards the sky
I know there's something out there
A message in the skies

When the night is black
And the dark is dark
I stand and watch your lights
I long to be there with you
And join you in your flights

I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky
Calling to you

I wrote up to the government
But I got no reply
They tell us there's no cover up
But I don't believe their lies

Fifty billion planets
There's got to be some life
Don't tell me I'm the only one
Standing in the night

I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky
Calling to you
I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky
Calling to you

Ever since I was a young boy
I turned towards the sky
I know there's something out there
A message in the skies

When the night is black
And the dark is dark
I stand and watch your lights
I long to be there with you
And join you in your flights

I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky
Calling to you
I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky
Calling to you
I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky
Calling to you

Mirror lyrics:

Calling to you
I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky
Calling to you
I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky
Calling to you
I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky

And join you in your flights
I long to be there with you
I stand and watch your lights
And the dark is dark
When the night is black

A message in the skies
I know there's something out there
I turned towards the sky
Ever since I was a young boy

Calling to you
I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky
Calling to you
I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky

Standing in the night
Don't tell me I'm the only one
There's got to be some life
Fifty billion planets

But I don't believe their lies
They tell us there's no cover up
But I got no reply
I wrote up to the government

Calling to you
I been watching the sky
Waiting for you
I been watching the sky

And join you in your flights
I long to be there with you
I stand and watch your lights
And the dark is dark
When the night is black

A message in the skies
I know there's something out there
I turned towards the sky
Ever since I was a young boy

Relevant Tags:
WWatching TThe SSky atching he ky aWtching hTe kSy aatching fhe zky aWatching fThe zSky Waatching Tfhe Szky 3atching 5he wky
3Watching 5The wSky W3atching T5he Swky datching hhe dky dWatching hThe dSky Wdatching Thhe Sdky eatching yhe eky eWatching yThe eSky
Weatching Tyhe Seky satching 6he xky sWatching 6The xSky Wsatching T6he Sxky 2atching ghe aky 2Watching gThe aSky W2atching Tghe Saky
qatching rhe Skky qWatching rThe Sy Wqatching Trhe Syk Sly Wtching Te Slky Wtaching Teh Skly Wztching Tje Soy
Wzatching Tjhe Soky Waztching Thje Skoy Wqtching Tue Smy Tuhe Smky Waqtching Thue Skmy Wstching Tne Sjy Tnhe Sjky
Wastching Thne Skjy Wwtching Tbe Siy Wwatching Tbhe Siky Wawtching Thbe Skiy Wxtching Tge Skyy Wxatching Sk Waxtching Thge Sky
Wattching Tye Skg Waching Skgy Wacthing Thye Skyg Wafching Thee Skh Waftching Th Skhy Watfching The Skyh Wa5ching Ths Sk6
Wa5tching Thse Sk6y Wat5ching Thes Sky6 Wahching Th3 Sku Wahtching Th3e Skuy Wathching The3 Skyu Wayching Thf Sk7 Waytching Thfe Sk7y
Watyching Thef Sky7 Wa6ching Thr Skj Wa6tching Thre Wat6ching Ther Skyj Wagching Th4 Skt Wagtching Th4e Skty Watgching The4 Skyt
Warching Thd Wartching Thde Watrching Thed Watcching Thw Wathing Thwe Wathcing Thew Watfhing
Watcfhing Watxhing Watxching Watcxhing Watvhing Watvching

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