The Eagle Has Landed

The man has stepped up for mankind
On a distant moon, a sea
As you travel across the universe
Or you take a step
Take a step for me
Will you take a step for me

I'm an eagle
Blasting to the stars
You take the hopes and dreams of men
To find yourself
To find tranquillity
To find tranquillity

Speeding across the universe
And placed a lonely flag
Out there in isolation
At the final
Final frontier
At the final frontier

As we wait for your return
You took a giant leap for mankind
On another
On another world
On another world

Take it easy
Take it slow
Don't go fast
Don't let go
The eagle has landed
Take it easy
Take it slow
Don't go fast
Don't let go
The eagle has landed
Take it easy
Take it slow
Don't go fast
Don't let go
The eagle has landed
Take it easy
Take it slow
Don't go fast
Don't let go
The eagle has landed
Take it easy
Take it slow
Don't go fast
Don't let go
The eagle has landed

Mirror lyrics:

The eagle has landed
Don't let go
Don't go fast
Take it slow
Take it easy
The eagle has landed
Don't let go
Don't go fast
Take it slow
Take it easy
The eagle has landed
Don't let go
Don't go fast
Take it slow
Take it easy
The eagle has landed
Don't let go
Don't go fast
Take it slow
Take it easy
The eagle has landed
Don't let go
Don't go fast
Take it slow
Take it easy

On another world
On another world
On another
You took a giant leap for mankind
As we wait for your return

At the final frontier
Final frontier
At the final
Out there in isolation
And placed a lonely flag
Speeding across the universe

To find tranquillity
To find tranquillity
To find yourself
You take the hopes and dreams of men
Blasting to the stars
I'm an eagle

Will you take a step for me
Take a step for me
Or you take a step
As you travel across the universe
On a distant moon, a sea
The man has stepped up for mankind

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEagle HHas LLanded he agle as anded hTe aEgle aHs aLnded fhe sagle jas kanded fThe sEagle jHas kLanded Tfhe Esagle Hjas Lkanded
5he 3agle uas oanded 5The 3Eagle uHas oLanded T5he E3agle Huas Loanded hhe fagle nas panded hThe fEagle nHas pLanded Thhe Efagle Hnas Lpanded
yhe ragle bas Laanded yThe rEagle bHas Lnded Tyhe Eragle Hbas Lnaded 6he 4agle gas Lznded 6The 4Eagle gHas Lzanded T6he E4agle Hgas Laznded
ghe dagle yas Lqnded gThe dEagle yHas Lqanded Tghe Edagle Hyas Laqnded rhe wagle Haas Lsnded rThe wEagle Hs Lsanded Trhe Ewagle Hsa Lasnded
Eaagle Hzs Lwnded Te Egle Hzas Lwanded Teh Egale Hazs Lawnded Tje Ezgle Hqs Lxnded Tjhe Ezagle Hqas Lxanded Thje Eazgle Haqs Laxnded
Tue Eqgle Hss Lannded Tuhe Eqagle Hsas Laded Thue Eaqgle Hass Ladned Tne Esgle Hws Lamded Tnhe Hwas Lamnded Thne Easgle Haws Lanmded
Tbe Ewgle Hxs Lahded Tbhe Hxas Lahnded Thbe Eawgle Haxs Lanhded Tge Exgle Lajded Exagle Ha Lajnded Thge Eaxgle Has Lanjded
Tye Eaggle Haz Labded Eale Labnded Thye Ealge Hasz Lanbded Thee Eahle Haw Landded Th Eahgle Laned The Eaghle Hasw Lanedd
Ths Eayle Had Lanxed Thse Eaygle Hads Lanxded Thes Eagyle Hasd Landxed

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