Sawyer Brown
Tarzan And Jane

Deep in the jungle, up in a tree
In Indiana 1983
Living on pizza and too little sleep
Just me and my animal friends
Then in the distance I saw through the leaves
Creature of beauty like none I had even seen
The trouble started when you smiled at me
And the two words came crashing together
And true love slowly began.

I am Tarzan, You are Jane
I am the night, and you are the day
We're like sunshine and rain
We're so different from each other
You are woman, I am man
You're the sea, and I am the land
And I would not be who I am
If I didn't have you.

I know that some days we both wonder how
We got together, we're still so different now
But I can't imagine my life without you
Cause all those things that make us so different
Are just what make us all that we are.

I am Tarzan, You are Jane
I am the night, and you are the day
We're like sunshine and rain
We're so different from each other
You are woman, I am man
You're the sea, and I am the land
And I would not be who I am
If I didn't have you.

We belong together...

Mirror lyrics:

We belong together...

If I didn't have you.
And I would not be who I am
You're the sea, and I am the land
You are woman, I am man
We're so different from each other
We're like sunshine and rain
I am the night, and you are the day
I am Tarzan, You are Jane

Are just what make us all that we are.
Cause all those things that make us so different
But I can't imagine my life without you
We got together, we're still so different now
I know that some days we both wonder how

If I didn't have you.
And I would not be who I am
You're the sea, and I am the land
You are woman, I am man
We're so different from each other
We're like sunshine and rain
I am the night, and you are the day
I am Tarzan, You are Jane

And true love slowly began.
And the two words came crashing together
The trouble started when you smiled at me
Creature of beauty like none I had even seen
Then in the distance I saw through the leaves
Just me and my animal friends
Living on pizza and too little sleep
In Indiana 1983
Deep in the jungle, up in a tree

Relevant Tags:
TTarzan AAnd JJane arzan nd ane aTrzan nAd aJne farzan znd kane fTarzan zAnd kJane Tfarzan Aznd Jkane 5arzan qnd iane
5Tarzan qAnd iJane T5arzan Aqnd Jiane harzan snd mane hTarzan sAnd mJane Tharzan Asnd Jmane yarzan wnd nane yTarzan wAnd nJane
Tyarzan Awnd Jnane 6arzan xnd hane 6Tarzan xAnd hJane T6arzan Axnd Jhane garzan Annd uane gTarzan Ad uJane Tgarzan Adn Juane
rarzan Amd Jaane rTarzan Amnd Jne Trarzan Anmd Jnae Taarzan Ahd Jzne Trzan Ahnd Jzane Trazan Anhd Jazne Tzrzan Ajd Jqne
Tzarzan Ajnd Jqane Tazrzan Anjd Jaqne Tqrzan Abd Jsne Tqarzan Abnd Jsane Taqrzan Anbd Jasne Tsrzan Andd Jwne Tsarzan An Jwane
Tasrzan And Jawne Twrzan Anx Jxne Twarzan Anxd Jxane Tawrzan Andx Jaxne Txrzan Ane Janne Txarzan Aned Jae Taxrzan Ande Jaen
Tarrzan Anf Jame Tazan Anfd Jamne Tazran Andf Janme Tadzan Anr Jahe Tadrzan Anrd Jahne Tardzan Andr Janhe Ta4zan Anc Jaje
Ta4rzan Ancd Jajne Tar4zan Andc Janje Tagzan Ans Jabe Tagrzan Ansd Jabne Targzan Ands Janbe

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