Sawyer Brown
With This Ring

I'll say my peace and I'll play my hand
And maybe this way you'll understand
I'm short on words I was raised that way
But I still mean all the ones I say

And with ring I promise you
Everything that I have or can do
There's so many roads that love can run
But here in my heart your the only one

I do all right here on my own
But you give me things I've never known
Oh here I am getting up my nerve
It may not be all that you deserve


Repeat Chorus

Here in my heart your the only one

Mirror lyrics:

Here in my heart your the only one

Repeat Chorus


It may not be all that you deserve
Oh here I am getting up my nerve
But you give me things I've never known
I do all right here on my own

But here in my heart your the only one
There's so many roads that love can run
Everything that I have or can do
And with ring I promise you

But I still mean all the ones I say
I'm short on words I was raised that way
And maybe this way you'll understand
I'll say my peace and I'll play my hand

Relevant Tags:
WWith TThis RRing ith his ing iWth hTis iRng aith fhis ding aWith fThis dRing Waith Tfhis Rding 3ith 5his 4ing 3With 5This 4Ring
W3ith T5his R4ing dith hhis ging dWith hThis gRing Wdith Thhis Rging eith yhis ting eWith yThis tRing Weith Tyhis Rting sith 6his 5ing
sWith 6This 5Ring Wsith T6his R5ing 2ith ghis fing 2With gThis fRing W2ith Tghis Rfing qith rhis eing qWith rThis eRing Wqith Trhis Reing
Wiith Riing Wth Tis Rng Wtih Tihs Rnig Wjth Tjis Rjng Wjith Tjhis Rjing Wijth Thjis Rijng W9th Tuis R9ng W9ith Tuhis R9ing
Wi9th Thuis Ri9ng Wlth Tnis Rlng Wlith Tnhis Rling Wilth Thnis Rilng Woth Tbis Rong Woith Tbhis Roing Wioth Thbis Riong Wkth Tgis Rkng
Wkith Rking Wikth Thgis Rikng W8th Tyis R8ng W8ith R8ing Wi8th Thyis Ri8ng

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