Sawyer Brown
When You Run From Love

Love up and beat a path to my back door
I could always walk away before
I thought I could get away untouched
But you think to much when you run from love
When you run from love

When you run from love
The quickest way ain't fast enough and the
Trains and the planes will let you down
If you hide your eyes
You make a chain of pain and lies and you
Know that you're only losing ground
When you run from love

My heart never beat the beat of a losing kind
could always touch the flame and not feel the fire
Your heart ain't the place you want shelter from
When you run from love
When you run from love

Chorus repeats twice

When your runin' from love

Mirror lyrics:

When your runin' from love

Chorus repeats twice

When you run from love
When you run from love
Your heart ain't the place you want shelter from
could always touch the flame and not feel the fire
My heart never beat the beat of a losing kind

When you run from love
Know that you're only losing ground
You make a chain of pain and lies and you
If you hide your eyes
Trains and the planes will let you down
The quickest way ain't fast enough and the
When you run from love

When you run from love
But you think to much when you run from love
I thought I could get away untouched
I could always walk away before
Love up and beat a path to my back door

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou RRun FFrom LLove hen ou un rom ove hWen oYu uRn rFom oLve ahen gou dun crom kove aWhen gYou dRun cFrom kLove Wahen Ygou Rdun Fcrom Lkove
3hen hou 4un rrom oove 3When hYou 4Run rFrom oLove W3hen Yhou R4un Frrom Loove dhen 6ou gun grom pove dWhen 6You gRun gFrom pLove Wdhen Y6ou Rgun Fgrom Lpove
ehen uou tun trom eWhen uYou tRun tFrom Lve Wehen Yuou Rtun Ftrom Lvoe shen 7ou 5un vrom Lkve sWhen 7You 5Run vFrom Wshen Y7ou R5un Fvrom Lokve
2hen jou fun drom L9ve 2When jYou fRun dFrom L9ove W2hen Yjou Rfun Fdrom Lo9ve qhen tou eun L0ve qWhen tYou eRun Fom L0ove Wqhen Ytou Reun Form Lo0ve
Whhen Yoou Ruun Fdom Llve Wen Yu Rn Llove Wehn Yuo Rnu Frdom Lolve Wjen Yku Rhn F4om Live Wjhen Ykou Rhun F4rom Liove Whjen Yoku Ruhn Fr4om Loive
Wuen Y9u R7n Fgom Lovve Wuhen Y9ou R7un Loe Whuen Yo9u Ru7n Frgom Loev Wnen Y0u Rkn Ftom Lobe Wnhen Y0ou Rkun Lobve Whnen Yo0u Rukn Frtom Lovbe
Wben Ylu Rin F5om Loce Wbhen Ylou Riun F5rom Locve Whben Yolu Ruin Fr5om Lovce Wgen Yiu R8n Ffom Loge Wghen Yiou R8un Ffrom Logve Whgen Yoiu Ru8n Frfom Lovge

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