Sawyer Brown
It Wasn't His Child

He was her man, she was his wife
And late one winter night
He knelt by her
As she gave birth
But it wasn't his child,
It wasn't his child

Yet still he took him as his own
And as he watched him grow
It brought him joy
But it wasn't his child
It wasn't his child

But like a father he was strong and kind
And I believe he did his best
It wasn't easy for him
But he did all could
His son was different from the rest
It wasn't his child
It wasn't his child

And when the boy became a man
He took his father's hand
And soon the world
Would all know why
It wasn't his child
It wasn't his child

But like a father he was strong and kind
And I believe he did his best
It wasn't easy for him
But he did all could
He grew up with his hands in wood
And he died with his hands in wood
He was God's child,
He was God's child

He was her man
She was his wife
And late one night
He knelt by her
As she gave birth
But it wasn't his child
It was God's child

Mirror lyrics:

It was God's child
But it wasn't his child
As she gave birth
He knelt by her
And late one night
She was his wife
He was her man

He was God's child
He was God's child,
And he died with his hands in wood
He grew up with his hands in wood
But he did all could
It wasn't easy for him
And I believe he did his best
But like a father he was strong and kind

It wasn't his child
It wasn't his child
Would all know why
And soon the world
He took his father's hand
And when the boy became a man

It wasn't his child
It wasn't his child
His son was different from the rest
But he did all could
It wasn't easy for him
And I believe he did his best
But like a father he was strong and kind

It wasn't his child
But it wasn't his child
It brought him joy
And as he watched him grow
Yet still he took him as his own

It wasn't his child
But it wasn't his child,
As she gave birth
He knelt by her
And late one winter night
He was her man, she was his wife

Relevant Tags:
IIt WWasn't HHis CChild t asn't is hild tI aWsn't iHs hCild jt aasn't jis fhild jIt aWasn't jHis fChild Ijt Waasn't Hjis Cfhild
9t 3asn't uis xhild 9It 3Wasn't uHis xChild I9t W3asn't Huis Cxhild lt dasn't nis vhild lIt dWasn't nHis vChild Ilt Wdasn't Hnis Cvhild
ot easn't bis dhild oIt eWasn't bHis dChild Iot Weasn't Hbis Cdhild kt sasn't gis Chhild kIt sWasn't gHis Cild Ikt Wsasn't Hgis Cihld
8t 2asn't yis Cjild 8It 2Wasn't yHis Cjhild I8t W2asn't Hyis Chjild ut qasn't Hiis Cuild uIt qWasn't Hs Cuhild Iut Wqasn't Hsi Chuild
Itt Hjs Cnild I Wsn't Cnhild It Wsan't Hijs Chnild If Wzsn't H9s Cbild Ift Wzasn't H9is Cbhild Itf Wazsn't Hi9s Chbild
I5 Wqsn't Hls Cgild I5t Hlis Cghild It5 Waqsn't Hils Chgild Ih Wssn't Hos Cyild Iht Hois Cyhild Ith Wassn't Hios Chyild
Iy Wwsn't Hks Chiild Iyt Wwasn't Hkis Chld Ity Wawsn't Hiks Chlid I6 Wxsn't H8s Chjld I6t Wxasn't H8is It6 Waxsn't Hi8s Chijld
Ig Hus Ch9ld Igt Wan't Ch9ild Itg Wans't Hius Chi9ld Ir Wazn't Hiss Chlld Irt Hi Chlild Itr Waszn't His Chilld
Wawn't Hiz Chold

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