Saving Abel
Goodbye, So Long

There's no need to worry all day long
Cause worry don't help a thing
We've burned our bridges at both ends
So if I never see you again

Goodbye so long
hope you enjoy it while it last cause soon this world of ours is gone.
Farwell to you all cause heaven knows that we don't have all that far to fall

It feels like we're in over our heads
That we've wasted our days
Running through life with reckless disregard
now there's nothing to save
Sooner than later I'll be high
maybe I'll gain my peace of mind
so here's to the world passing us by

Goodbye so long
hope you enjoy it while it last cause soon this world of ours is gone.
Farwell to you all cause heaven knows that we don't have all that far to fall

So wave goodbye
as we count down to the end
one more trip of all the sun
if I never see you again
Sooner than later I'll be high
so here's to the world passing us by,

Goodbye so long
hope you enjoy it while it last cause soon this world of ours is gone.
Farwell to you all cause heaven knows that we don't have all that far to fall

Goodbye so long
hope you enjoy it while it last cause soon this world of ours is gone.
Farwell to you all cause heaven knows that we don't have all that far to fall

Mirror lyrics:

Farwell to you all cause heaven knows that we don't have all that far to fall
hope you enjoy it while it last cause soon this world of ours is gone.
Goodbye so long

Farwell to you all cause heaven knows that we don't have all that far to fall
hope you enjoy it while it last cause soon this world of ours is gone.
Goodbye so long

so here's to the world passing us by,
Sooner than later I'll be high
if I never see you again
one more trip of all the sun
as we count down to the end
So wave goodbye

Farwell to you all cause heaven knows that we don't have all that far to fall
hope you enjoy it while it last cause soon this world of ours is gone.
Goodbye so long

so here's to the world passing us by
maybe I'll gain my peace of mind
Sooner than later I'll be high
now there's nothing to save
Running through life with reckless disregard
That we've wasted our days
It feels like we're in over our heads

Farwell to you all cause heaven knows that we don't have all that far to fall
hope you enjoy it while it last cause soon this world of ours is gone.
Goodbye so long

So if I never see you again
We've burned our bridges at both ends
Cause worry don't help a thing
There's no need to worry all day long

Relevant Tags:
GGoodbye, SSo LLong oodbye, o ong oGodbye, oS oLng hoodbye, zo kong hGoodbye, zSo kLong Ghoodbye, Szo Lkong yoodbye, wo oong
yGoodbye, wSo oLong Gyoodbye, Swo Loong boodbye, do pong bGoodbye, dSo pLong Gboodbye, Sdo Lpong voodbye, eo vGoodbye, eSo Lng
Gvoodbye, Seo Lnog foodbye, xo Lkng fGoodbye, xSo Gfoodbye, Sxo Lokng toodbye, ao L9ng tGoodbye, aSo L9ong Gtoodbye, Sao Lo9ng
Gooodbye, Soo L0ng Godbye, S L0ong Goodbye, So Lo0ng Gkodbye, Sk Llng Gkoodbye, Sko Llong Gokodbye, Sok Lolng G9odbye, S9 Ling
G9oodbye, S9o Liong Go9odbye, So9 Loing G0odbye, S0 Lonng G0oodbye, S0o Log Go0odbye, So0 Logn Glodbye, Sl Lomg Gloodbye, Slo Lomng
Golodbye, Sol Lonmg Giodbye, Si Lohg Gioodbye, Sio Lohng Goiodbye, Soi Lonhg Lojg Lojng Godobye, Lonjg
Gokdbye, Lobg Lobng Gookdbye, Lonbg Go9dbye, Longg Lon Goo9dbye, Long Go0dbye, Lonh
Goo0dbye, Longh Goldbye, Lony Lonyg Gooldbye, Longy Goidbye, Lonb Gooidbye, Longb Gooddbye, Lonv
Goobye, Lonvg Goobdye, Longv Gooxbye, Lonf Gooxdbye, Lonfg Goodxbye, Longf Gooebye, Lont Gooedbye, Lontg
Goodebye, Longt Goofbye,

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