Saves The Day
Tomorrow Too Late

Light beams through windows
Streams into my eyes, explodes like red balloons
As it reminds me of you so long ago

Wind blows through a hole in the roof
Brings your perfume like lillies to me
And all I can do is remember you
When was the last time I held you all through the night?
Feels like a zillion years and I don't want to wait more
To find you is to lose you, what is that for?
Tell me

When was the last time I held you all through the night
Never a worry would run through my heart like a knife?
Feels like a zillion years and I don't want to wait more
To find you is to lose you, what is that for?
One more night and I might never know who you are
Tell me

When was the last time I held you all through the night
Never a worry would run through my heart like a knife?

When was the last time I held you all through the night
Never a worry would run through my heart like a knife?

Tomorrow is much too late
I need you now, be my light

Tomorrow is much too late
I need you now

Mirror lyrics:

I need you now
Tomorrow is much too late

I need you now, be my light
Tomorrow is much too late

Never a worry would run through my heart like a knife?
When was the last time I held you all through the night

Never a worry would run through my heart like a knife?
When was the last time I held you all through the night

Tell me
One more night and I might never know who you are
To find you is to lose you, what is that for?
Feels like a zillion years and I don't want to wait more
Never a worry would run through my heart like a knife?
When was the last time I held you all through the night

Tell me
To find you is to lose you, what is that for?
Feels like a zillion years and I don't want to wait more
When was the last time I held you all through the night?
And all I can do is remember you
Brings your perfume like lillies to me
Wind blows through a hole in the roof

As it reminds me of you so long ago
Streams into my eyes, explodes like red balloons
Light beams through windows

Relevant Tags:
TTomorrow TToo LLate omorrow oo ate oTmorrow oTo aLte fomorrow foo kate fTomorrow fToo kLate Tfomorrow Tfoo Lkate
5omorrow 5oo oate 5Tomorrow 5Too oLate T5omorrow T5oo Loate homorrow hoo pate hTomorrow hToo pLate Thomorrow Thoo Lpate
yomorrow yoo Laate yTomorrow yToo Lte Tyomorrow Tyoo Ltae 6omorrow 6oo Lzte 6Tomorrow 6Too Lzate T6omorrow T6oo Lazte
gomorrow goo Lqte gTomorrow gToo Lqate Tgomorrow Tgoo Laqte romorrow roo Lste rTomorrow rToo Lsate Tromorrow Troo Laste
Toomorrow Tooo Lwte Tmorrow To Lwate Tmoorrow Too Lawte Tkmorrow Tko Lxte Tkomorrow Tkoo Lxate Tokmorrow Toko Laxte
T9morrow T9o Latte T9omorrow T9oo Lae To9morrow To9o Laet T0morrow T0o Lafe T0omorrow T0oo Lafte To0morrow To0o Latfe
Tlmorrow Tlo La5e Tlomorrow Tloo La5te Tolmorrow Tolo Lat5e Timorrow Tio Lahe Tiomorrow Tioo Lahte Toimorrow Toio Lathe
Tommorrow Laye Toorrow Layte Toomrrow Latye Tojorrow Tok La6e Tojmorrow La6te Tomjorrow Took Lat6e
Tokorrow To9 Lage Lagte Tomkorrow Too9 Latge Tonorrow To0 Lare Tonmorrow Larte Tomnorrow Too0 Latre
Tomoorrow Tol Latee Tomrrow Lat Tomrorow Tool Late Tomkrrow Toi Lats Latse Tomokrrow Tooi Lates
Tom9rrow Lat3 Tom9orrow Lat3e Tomo9rrow Late3 Tom0rrow Latf Tom0orrow Tomo0rrow Latef
Tomlrrow Latr Tomlorrow Tomolrrow Later Tomirrow Lat4 Tomiorrow Lat4e Tomoirrow Late4
Tomorrrow Latd Tomorow Latde Tomorrow Lated

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