Crash Dive

I just got the news you're back in town
You're looking for a good time
You're still going down
You're a little too crazy
You ain't gonna last
You're candle's lit at both ends
You're burning too fast

You're going down out of control
You're on a crash drive, baby

You're talking too much
You've run out of time
You're walking on the limit
You're way out of line
It's a little too easy
To get what ya will
Ya running with the wolf, baby
Ya there for the kill

You're going down out of control
You're on a crash drive, baby

I just got the news you're back in town
You're looking for a good time
You're still hangin' 'round

You're going down out of control
You're on a crash drive, baby
Crash drive, baby

Mirror lyrics:

Crash drive, baby
You're on a crash drive, baby
You're going down out of control

You're still hangin' 'round
You're looking for a good time
I just got the news you're back in town

You're on a crash drive, baby
You're going down out of control

Ya there for the kill
Ya running with the wolf, baby
To get what ya will
It's a little too easy
You're way out of line
You're walking on the limit
You've run out of time
You're talking too much

You're on a crash drive, baby
You're going down out of control

You're burning too fast
You're candle's lit at both ends
You ain't gonna last
You're a little too crazy
You're still going down
You're looking for a good time
I just got the news you're back in town

Relevant Tags:
CCrash DDive rash ive rCash iDve frash xive fCrash xDive Cfrash Dxive xrash eive xCrash eDive Cxrash Deive vrash five vCrash fDive
Cvrash Dfive drash rive dCrash rDive Cdrash Drive Crrash cive Cash cDive Carsh Dcive Cdash sive sDive Crdash Dsive C4ash Diive
C4rash Dve Cr4ash Dvie Cgash Djve Cgrash Djive Crgash Dijve Ctash D9ve Ctrash D9ive Crtash Di9ve C5ash Dlve C5rash Dlive Cr5ash Dilve
Cfash Dove Doive Crfash Diove Ceash Dkve Cerash Dkive Creash Dikve Craash D8ve Crsh D8ive Crsah Di8ve Crzsh Duve Crzash Duive
Crazsh Diuve Crqsh Divve

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