Circle Of Light

You're far outside your body now looking down you see yourself below
Standing on the precipice you could be leaving soon the life you know
Waiting for your guardian
To take you up towards the astro plane

Follow me walking to the circle of light (*)
Follow me this could be the end of your life

Floating there above yourself
You watch the doctors try to save your life
Will you live or will you die
Your fate depends upon the surgeons knife
Detached from all reality
You let yourself be pulled towards the light

(Repeat *)

You listen to the voices now
They tell you that it's not your time to leave
Suddenly you feel the pain
Your body jerks and you begin to breathe
Through the haze you see the knife
Will this be the one to take your life

(Repeat *)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat *)

Will this be the one to take your life
Through the haze you see the knife
Your body jerks and you begin to breathe
Suddenly you feel the pain
They tell you that it's not your time to leave
You listen to the voices now

(Repeat *)

You let yourself be pulled towards the light
Detached from all reality
Your fate depends upon the surgeons knife
Will you live or will you die
You watch the doctors try to save your life
Floating there above yourself

Follow me this could be the end of your life
Follow me walking to the circle of light (*)

To take you up towards the astro plane
Waiting for your guardian
Standing on the precipice you could be leaving soon the life you know
You're far outside your body now looking down you see yourself below

Relevant Tags:
CCircle OOf LLight ircle f ight iCrcle fO iLght fircle kf kight fCircle kOf kLight Cfircle Okf Lkight xircle 9f oight
xCircle 9Of oLight Cxircle O9f Loight vircle 0f pight vCircle 0Of pLight Cvircle O0f Lpight dircle lf Liight dCircle lOf Lght
Cdircle Olf Lgiht Ciircle if Ljght Crcle iOf Ljight Cricle Oif Lijght Cjrcle Off L9ght Cjircle O L9ight Cijrcle Of Li9ght
C9rcle Oc Llght C9ircle Ocf Llight Ci9rcle Ofc Lilght Clrcle Or Loght Clircle Orf Cilrcle Ofr Lioght Corcle Og Lkght
Coircle Ogf Ciorcle Ofg Likght Ckrcle Ot L8ght Ckircle Otf L8ight Cikrcle Oft Li8ght C8rcle Ov Lught C8ircle Ovf Luight
Ci8rcle Ofv Liught Curcle Od Ligght Cuircle Odf Liht Ciurcle Ofd Lihgt Cirrcle Lihht Cicle Lihght Cicrle Lighht
Cidcle Liyht Cidrcle Liyght Cirdcle Ligyht Ci4cle Libht Ci4rcle Libght Cir4cle Ligbht Cigcle Livht
Cigrcle Livght Cirgcle Ligvht Citcle Lifht Citrcle Lifght Cirtcle Ligfht Ci5cle Litht Ci5rcle Litght

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