A Little Too Far

Do you remember
Look at me
At all the things we said we'd be
We'd beat the house
We'd push the odds
We'd take it all we had the cards

With years to burn
And years to trash
Livin' life based on flash
But somehow reaching for the stars
I think we went a bit too far

Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back
I never meant to take it this far
Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back

When everything you touch turns gold
Can weigh you down
Can make you old
When metal doesn't ring the same
Reaction from inside your brain
And all the years we offered up
To gods who couldn't get enough
Though we still stay up all night
The mornings aren't quite as bright

Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back
I never meant to take it this far
Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back

And all those things we thought we learned
As we watch our bridges burn
While standing in the afterglow
I guess we gave them quite a show
And who's to say what it's about
When John Wayne caught the last train out
And Spock and Kirk have had enough
And no one's left to beam me up

Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back
I never meant to take it this far
Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back
I never meant to take it this far
Oh ho
I never meant to take it this far

Mirror lyrics:

I never meant to take it this far
Oh ho
I never meant to take it this far
Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back
I never meant to take it this far
Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back

And no one's left to beam me up
And Spock and Kirk have had enough
When John Wayne caught the last train out
And who's to say what it's about
I guess we gave them quite a show
While standing in the afterglow
As we watch our bridges burn
And all those things we thought we learned

Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back
I never meant to take it this far
Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back

The mornings aren't quite as bright
Though we still stay up all night
To gods who couldn't get enough
And all the years we offered up
Reaction from inside your brain
When metal doesn't ring the same
Can make you old
Can weigh you down
When everything you touch turns gold

Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back
I never meant to take it this far
Got to get back
Got to get back
Got to get back

I think we went a bit too far
But somehow reaching for the stars
Livin' life based on flash
And years to trash
With years to burn

We'd take it all we had the cards
We'd push the odds
We'd beat the house
At all the things we said we'd be
Look at me
Do you remember

Relevant Tags:
AA LLittle TToo FFar ittle oo ar A iLttle oTo aFr z kittle foo car zA kLittle fToo cFar Az Lkittle Tfoo Fcar q oittle 5oo rar
qA oLittle 5Too rFar Aq Loittle T5oo Frar s pittle hoo gar sA pLittle hToo gFar As Lpittle Thoo Fgar w Liittle yoo tar wA Lttle yToo tFar
Aw Ltitle Tyoo Ftar x Ljttle 6oo var xA Ljittle 6Too vFar Ax Lijttle T6oo Fvar L9ttle goo dar L9ittle gToo dFar Li9ttle Tgoo Fdar
Llttle roo Faar Llittle rToo Fr Lilttle Troo Fra Lottle Tooo Fzr To Fzar Liottle Too Fazr Lkttle Tko Fqr
Tkoo Fqar Likttle Toko Faqr L8ttle T9o Fsr L8ittle T9oo Fsar Li8ttle To9o Fasr Luttle T0o Fwr Luittle T0oo Fwar
Liuttle To0o Fawr Litttle Tlo Fxr Litle Tloo Fxar Little Tolo Faxr Liftle Tio Farr Lifttle Tioo Fa Litftle Toio Far
Li5tle Fad Li5ttle Fadr Lit5tle Fard Lihtle Tok Fa4 Lihttle Fa4r Lithtle Took Far4 Liytle To9 Fag
Liyttle Fagr Litytle Too9 Farg Li6tle To0 Fat Li6ttle Fatr Lit6tle Too0 Fart

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