Edge Of Thorns

An offering of reasons
We put them all in play
A covering of treasons
That one by one we let slip away

A solitary dancer
So lost upon her stage

I have seen you on the edge of dawn
Felt you here before you were born
Balanced your dreams upon the edge of thorns
But I don't think about you anymore

A study made for winter
Of summers long ago
And dreams that use to glitter
Safely now hidden under snow

And so we end this chapter
And let the stage lights fade

I have seen you on the edge of dawn
Felt you here before you were born
Balanced your dreams upon the edge of thorns
But I don't think about you anymore

I have seen you on the edge of dawn
Felt you here before you were born
Balanced your dreams upon the edge of thorns
But I don't think about you anymore, anymore

I don't think about you anymore
I don't think about you
I don't think about you
I don't think about you anymore, anymore, anymore, oh

Mirror lyrics:

I don't think about you anymore, anymore, anymore, oh
I don't think about you
I don't think about you
I don't think about you anymore

But I don't think about you anymore, anymore
Balanced your dreams upon the edge of thorns
Felt you here before you were born
I have seen you on the edge of dawn

But I don't think about you anymore
Balanced your dreams upon the edge of thorns
Felt you here before you were born
I have seen you on the edge of dawn

And let the stage lights fade
And so we end this chapter

Safely now hidden under snow
And dreams that use to glitter
Of summers long ago
A study made for winter

But I don't think about you anymore
Balanced your dreams upon the edge of thorns
Felt you here before you were born
I have seen you on the edge of dawn

So lost upon her stage
A solitary dancer

That one by one we let slip away
A covering of treasons
We put them all in play
An offering of reasons

Relevant Tags:
EEdge OOf TThorns dge f horns dEge fO hTorns sdge kf fhorns sEdge kOf fThorns Esdge Okf Tfhorns 3dge 9f 5horns 3Edge 9Of 5Thorns
E3dge O9f T5horns fdge 0f hhorns fEdge 0Of hThorns Efdge O0f Thhorns rdge lf yhorns rEdge lOf yThorns Erdge Olf Tyhorns 4dge if 6horns
4Edge iOf 6Thorns E4dge Oif T6horns ddge Off ghorns dEdge O gThorns Eddge Of Tghorns wdge Oc rhorns wEdge Ocf rThorns Ewdge Ofc Trhorns
Or Ege Orf Torns Egde Ofr Tohrns Exge Og Tjorns Exdge Ogf Tjhorns Edxge Ofg Thjorns Eege Ot Tuorns Eedge Otf Tuhorns
Edege Oft Thuorns Efge Ov Tnorns Ovf Tnhorns Edfge Ofv Thnorns Erge Od Tborns Odf Tbhorns Edrge Ofd Thborns Ecge Tgorns
Ecdge Edcge Thgorns Esge Tyorns Edsge Thyorns Edgge Thoorns Ede Thrns Edeg Throns Edhe Thkrns
Edhge Thkorns Edghe Thokrns Edye Th9rns Edyge Th9orns Edgye Tho9rns Edbe Th0rns Edbge Th0orns Edgbe Tho0rns
Edve Thlrns Edvge Thlorns Edgve Tholrns

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