Savage Garden
Two Beds And A Coffee Machine

And she takes another step
Slowly she opens the door
Check that he is sleeping
Pick up all the broken glass and furniture on the floor
Been up half the night screaming now it's time to get away
Pack up the kids in the car
Another bruise to try and hide
Another alibi to write

Another ditch in the road
You keep moving
Another stop sign
You keep moving on
And the years go by so fast
Wonder how I ever made it through

And there are children to think of
Baby's asleep in the backseat
Wonder how they'll ever make it through this living nightmare
But the mind is an amazing thing
Full of candy dreams and new toys in another cheap hotel
Two beds and a coffee machine
But there are groceries to buy
And she knows she'll have to go home

Another ditch in the road
You keep moving
Another stop sign
You keep moving on
And the years go by so fast
Wonder how I ever made it through

Another bruise to try and hide
Another alibi to write
Another lonely highway in the black of night
But there's hope in the darkness
You know you're going to make it

Another ditch in the road
Keep moving
Another stop sign
You keep moving on
And the years go by so fast
Silent fortress built to last
Wonder how I ever made it


Mirror lyrics:


Wonder how I ever made it
Silent fortress built to last
And the years go by so fast
You keep moving on
Another stop sign
Keep moving
Another ditch in the road

You know you're going to make it
But there's hope in the darkness
Another lonely highway in the black of night
Another alibi to write
Another bruise to try and hide

Wonder how I ever made it through
And the years go by so fast
You keep moving on
Another stop sign
You keep moving
Another ditch in the road

And she knows she'll have to go home
But there are groceries to buy
Two beds and a coffee machine
Full of candy dreams and new toys in another cheap hotel
But the mind is an amazing thing
Wonder how they'll ever make it through this living nightmare
Baby's asleep in the backseat
And there are children to think of

Wonder how I ever made it through
And the years go by so fast
You keep moving on
Another stop sign
You keep moving
Another ditch in the road

Another alibi to write
Another bruise to try and hide
Pack up the kids in the car
Been up half the night screaming now it's time to get away
Pick up all the broken glass and furniture on the floor
Check that he is sleeping
Slowly she opens the door
And she takes another step

Relevant Tags:
TTwo BBeds AAnd AA CCoffee MMachine wo eds nd offee achine wTo eBds nAd A oCffee aMchine fwo veds znd z foffee jachine fTwo vBeds zAnd zA fCoffee jMachine
Tfwo Bveds Aznd Az Cfoffee Mjachine 5wo geds qnd q xoffee kachine 5Two gBeds qAnd qA xCoffee kMachine T5wo Bgeds Aqnd Aq Cxoffee Mkachine hwo neds snd s voffee nachine
hTwo nBeds sAnd sA vCoffee nMachine Thwo Bneds Asnd As Cvoffee Mnachine ywo heds wnd w doffee Maachine yTwo hBeds wAnd wA dCoffee Mchine Tywo Bheds Awnd Aw Cdoffee Mcahine
6wo Beeds xnd x Cooffee Mzchine 6Two Bds xAnd xA Cffee Mzachine T6wo Bdes Axnd Ax Cfofee Mazchine gwo Bsds Annd Ckffee Mqchine gTwo Bseds Ad Ckoffee Mqachine
Tgwo Besds Adn Cokffee Maqchine rwo B3ds Amd C9ffee Mschine rTwo B3eds Amnd C9offee Msachine Trwo Be3ds Anmd Co9ffee Maschine Twwo Bfds Ahd C0ffee Mwchine
To Bfeds Ahnd C0offee Mwachine Tow Befds Anhd Co0ffee Mawchine Tao Brds Ajd Clffee Mxchine Tawo Breds Ajnd Cloffee Mxachine Twao Berds Anjd Colffee Maxchine
T3o B4ds Abd Ciffee Macchine T3wo B4eds Abnd Cioffee Mahine Tw3o Be4ds Anbd Coiffee Mahcine Tdo Bdds Andd Cofffee Mafhine Tdwo Bdeds An Cofee Mafchine
Twdo Bedds And Coffee Macfhine Teo Bwds Anx Cocfee Maxhine Tewo Bweds Anxd Cocffee Tweo Bewds Andx Cofcfee Macxhine Tso Ane Corfee Mavhine
Tswo Bes Aned Corffee Mavchine Twso Besd Ande Cofrfee Macvhine T2o Bexs Anf Cogfee Madhine T2wo Bexds Anfd Cogffee Madchine Tw2o Bedxs Andf Cofgfee Macdhine
Tqo Bees Anr Cotfee Machhine Tqwo Anrd Cotffee Macine Twqo Bedes Andr Coftfee Macihne Twoo Befs Anc Covfee Macjine Tw Ancd Covffee Macjhine
Two Bedfs Andc Cofvfee Machjine Twk Bers Ans Codfee Macuine Twko Ansd Codffee Macuhine Twok Bedrs Ands Cofdfee Machuine Tw9 Becs Macnine
Tw9o Becds Macnhine Two9 Bedcs Cofefe Machnine Tw0 Bess Cofcee Macbine Tw0o Macbhine Two0 Bedss Coffcee Machbine
Twl Cofree Macgine Twlo Bed Macghine Twol Beds Coffree Machgine

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